GreenHub Dialogues on COVID-19, OneHealth and health inequities with Dr. Prashanth N Srinivas

GreenHub Dialogues on COVID-19, OneHealth and health inequities with Dr. Prashanth N Srinivas

Dr. Prashanth N Srinivas Faculty and DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance fellow at the Institute of Public Health Bengaluru, participated in the GreenHub Dialogues series of webinar focusing on COVID-19.

The conversation is moderated by Shibani Chaudhury of GreenHub. Prashanth reflects on the wider systemic issues that is shaping the COVID-19 response particularly drawing from the OneHealth, social determinants of health and health inequities in India. The dialogues are expected to make us question our choices; rethink our responses; recalibrate ideas of equity, sustainability and health. And crucially, remind ourselves that humans are a subset of nature, not vice versa. He also talks about the preparedness of the community during the COVID-19 disaster (See IPH’s COVID-19 response and our efforts to improve PHC preparedness here-

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ಆದಿವಾಸಿ ಸಮುದಾಯದ 25ನೇ ವರ್ಷದ ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ ಮಹೋತ್ಸವ

ಆದಿವಾಸಿ ಸಮುದಾಯದ 25ನೇ ವರ್ಷದ ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ ಮಹೋತ್ಸವ

ಸೋಲಿಗ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಸಂಘದ ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ ಹಬ್ಬ ದಿನಾಂಕ 28/02/2020 ಚಾಮರಾಜನಗರ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಯ ಹನೂರು ತಾಲೂಕು ಪೊನ್ನಾಚಿ ಗ್ರಾಮದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೋಲಿಗ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಸಂಘದ 25ನೇ ವರ್ಷದ ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ ಮಹೋತ್ಸವವನ್ನು ಶಾಸಕರಾದ ಆರ್ ನರೇಂದ್ರ ಉದ್ಘಾಟಿಸಿದರು. ಉದ್ಘಾಟನಾ ಭಾಷಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಆರೋಗ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಶಿಕ್ಷಣದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಮಹತ್ವ ನೀಡಬೇಕು ಎಂದು...

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31st National Road Safety Week – January 2020

31st National Road Safety Week – January 2020

1.5 lakh lives are lost every year and many more are debilitated on Indian roads due to road crashes. This causes the families of victims with immense economic hardship and emotional trauma. According to the WHO reports, road crashes are one of the leading cause of deaths among the youth between the ages of 5-29 in India and worldwide.
To make our roads safe for all road users and to reduce the crash rates, every year “National Road Safety Week” is observed throughout the country. The focus of the activities of this week is to create more awareness among road users about the road safety and to emphasize good road using practices.

To observe this year’s 31st National Road Safety Week, Institute of Public Health in association with HKBK Group of institutions and Indian Degree College under banner of Safer roads Bengaluru initiative organised a bunch of activities from 14th to 17th of Jan 2020 at our selected stretch of road in Bengaluru. Signature campaign #IResolve4RoadSafety, Quiz on road safety for public and college students, Human chains at major junctions are the main activities among all other activities.

We were at all major junctions of the selected stretch of road from Hebbal to K R Puram throughout the Road Safety Week. A signature wall with student volunteers was present at all the junctions seeking public commitment for road safety. Around 3000 people committed for safer road usage through signing on our campaign wall.
Quiz on road safety witnessed more than 5000 participation. Winners of the quiz were awarded with a ISI marked 2-wheeler helmets by #SaferroadsBLR initiative. We also engaged people through our social media platform Facebook and twitter for the broader reach.

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IPH Seminar: Understanding Surrogacy

IPH Seminar: Understanding Surrogacy

On January 30th, Lopamudra Goswami, doctoral candidate at Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia, will be presenting her research work on surrogacy in India in a seminar titled “Understanding Surrogacy.”

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Glimpse from GHRP 2019 day-1

Glimpse from GHRP 2019 day-1

Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru in association with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia will be hosting a 4-day (9th – 12th December, 2019) workshop on “Good Health Research Practice” For more details click...

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Public lecture at IIHS

Public lecture at IIHS

The director at IPH, Dr. Upendra Bhojani, gave a public lecture at IIHS in the 'Publics' lecture series.  The talk was on Dr. Bhojani’s long standing work on the role of local health systems in poor urban neighbourhoods in Bangalore. The talk...

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The Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER, organized the  2nd Public Health Policy and Management Program from 30th September to the 4th of October, 2019. The program was sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs,...

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Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Qualitative Comparative Analysis

On 28th November 2019, Adhip Amin, Research Officer at IPH, Bengaluru, will present a seminar titled, “Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis.”

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World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims

World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims

Every year, about 1.5 lakh Indians die from road injuries while about 5 lakhs sustain serious injuries. Karnataka, with a population of over 6.1 crores, accounts for the third-largest number of road injuries and the fourth-highest number of road traffic deaths in India.

To remember the many millions killed and injured on the world’s roads, together with their families, friends and many others who are also affected, people around the world observe the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR) in the month of November every year.

Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru in association with Maharani Cluster University, Bengaluru under the banner of Safer Roads Bengaluru initiative had organized an awareness program and human chain formation today by students of Maharani College, Padmasree school of public health and public health Professionals at heart of the city (from Freedom park to KR circle) to commemorate this Year’s World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR).

Shri. P C Mohan, Member of Parliament inaugurated the program. Addressing the students, he said, “Karnataka alone witnesses around ten thousand deaths and more than 50000 injuries every year due to road crashes. Adhering to traffic rules is the only way to reduce this. Youth should stop showing negligence towards traffic rules. By following traffic rules, one can, not only save his own life but also contribute to safeguarding other’s life as well.”

Addressing the students, Dr. Asha Abikar, Deputy Director of State Road Safety Authority said “Bangalore city alone witnesses around 650 road traffic deaths every year. To safeguard the lives of road users, the Government has recently amended the Motor Vehicle Act and increased the fine amount. People especially Youth should follow traffic rules and become an asset for the nation.”

Dr. Upendra Bhojani, Director of the Institute of Public Health explained about the safer roads Bengaluru initiative and stressed the need for the people’s commitment towards road safety.

The event was presided by Prof. Dr. M.S. Reddy, Special Officer, Maharani Cluster University.

Mr. Kumaraswamy who lost his 20-year-old daughter in a recent road crash explained his painful story, how negligence towards traffic rules claimed his daughter’s life and requested students to follow traffic rules.

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THE ROAD to SAFETY – Awareness program on Road safety

THE ROAD to SAFETY – Awareness program on Road safety

In order to create awareness among youth, especially college students, about the road safety measures and recent amendments to MV Act, Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru and HKBK Group of Institutions with the support of State Road Safety Authority had organized an awareness program titled “The Road to Safety” under the banner of the “Safer Roads Bengaluru” initiative at HKBK group of institutions on 18th October 2019.

The main intention of organizing this event at HKBK campus is that the selected campus one of the prominent institution at our selected stretch of road and has more than 3000 students studying on that campus.

Poster presentation, skits, role-play by students on road safety, quiz competition and road safety awareness session by traffic police were organized as part of the event. Former Home Minister and present Member of Legislative Assembly Shri. K. J. George inaugurated the event. The event was presided by Shri. C. M. Faiz Mohammed, Director of HKBK Group of Institutions. Dr. Thriveni B S, public health expert and member of the BBMP NCD task force, Shri. Manzoor A. Khan, Secretary, HKBK Group of Institutions were the other guests for the event.

Winners of the competitions were rewarded ISI standard 2-wheeler helmets from the Safer Roads Bengaluru initiative. Around 600 students participated in the event.

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THETA team at TRIBECON conference
Congratulations to our (THETA) team from health equity cluster for their upcoming presentations at TRIBECON

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IPH Annual Day 2019

IPH Annual Day 2019

On August 30th 2019 IPH celebrated its annual day marking the completion of 14 years in the field of public health. The day began with presentations from the four research clusters sharing of learning and reflections by teams. It was an opportunity for new staff,...

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Tobacco Control |JIPMER 2019

Tobacco Control |JIPMER 2019

Tobacco Control |JIPMER 2019 –
The 5th National Workshop on Tobacco Control, held in JIPMER from 26th August to 30th August 2019, was attended

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Planned transition of leadership

Planned transition of leadership

After completing a little over 13 years our founding Director Dr. N Devadasan has moved on from IPH. The conversation of transition had begun at IPH much in advance of this event as Deva also had a strong resolve that he did not want IPH to be known only by him and hence systematically groomed the next line of leadership over the past few years.

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SARC-CCT in Sri Lanka

SARC-CCT in Sri Lanka

Panelists Dr. Mary Assunta & Dr. Upendra Bhojani. Image credit: SARC-CCT The University of Colombo works systematically on tobacco control and was established as a tobacco observatory Sri Lanka in 2016. Recently, this observatory was expanded to the South Asia...

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Policy Roundtable: Urban Health Governance in India

Policy Roundtable: Urban Health Governance in India

Image credit: Observer Research Foundation Dr. Upendra Bhojani, India Alliance Fellow and Director at IPH, was invited to participate in a Roundtable discussion hosted by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and World Health Organization, India in Delhi on the 26th July...

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Video on “Tobacco-Free Generation”

Video on “Tobacco-Free Generation”

"Tobacco-free generation" is a proposal wherein children born after a certain year grow up in tobacco free environments, with legislation in place restricting exposure, sale and use of tobacco for that generation. This is potentially a very powerful intervention, that...

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routine dental practice

routine dental practice

The MPOWER package is a package introduced by WHO, comprising of six measures to assist in country-level implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. One of the six components of the MPOWER package is “Offer help to quit tobacco use.” Often,...

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