eLearning Course in
Scientific Writing & Reference Management (eSWaRM)
Tutor Guided |
100% online, Access 24/7 |
Live interaction with Subject Matter Experts (SME) |
Peer-learning |
Moodle Mobile App
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For the eSWaRM.2024-A24,990 INR
- If you are an international participant $250 USD is the course fee, please email us at tutor@iphindia.org to request a PayPal invoice for the same.
Sample lectures

+91-8123865302 / 080-26761322
In this course, we will introduce participants to the different types of scientific articles and provide an outline of how to write an original research article describing their original scientific research.
To enable health professionals to write scientific research articles that can be published and to equip them with skills to cite and manage references/ bibliography while writing using a reference management tool such as Mendeley.
The course consists of three modules and each module has two to three Units. Each Unit has two to three classrooms. The course expects students to spend 3 hours per week, to successfully complete each module
- Scientific Writing- Reporting original research (IMRaD)
- Nuts and bolts of writing – Grammar, Style, and Ethics
- Tools for Reference Management (Mendeley)
Person interested in research work and health researcher based in NGOs\ academic institutions. Undergraduates in health ( Any discipline) and Masters level training in health and development (MPH, MD, MS, MSc (Nursing), M. Pharm, MPT, MDS and MSW)

3 Months

3 Modules Fully Online

Study time 3-4 hours per week

Nuts and bolts of Writing
Learning outcomes
- Introduction to Scientific Writing
- Citing and Referencing
- Ethics and Plagiarism
- Common Errors in Language

Report an Original Research
Learning outcomes
- Structure of an original research article part-1 & part-2
- Art of scientific writing
- Writing an abstract

Tools for Reference Management (Mendeley) & Other tools
Learning outcomes
- Different tools available, an Introduction to Mendeley and getting started with Mendeley
- Add and managing references in Mendeley
- Sharing, collaborating and other tools

Prashanth N S
Subject Matter Expert

Doroty Lall
Subject Matter Expert

Latha Childgod
Course coordinator
Key features

Tutor Guided
Get help if stuck


Live interaction
With Subject Matter Expert

Peer learning
Discuss & learn

Mobile App

Simple fun learning

Study Time
3-4 hours/week

Learn on the go
Anywhere, Anytime
Target Group
- Health researchers based in NGOs/ academic institutions
- Undergraduates in Health (any discipline)
- Masters level training in health and development (MPH, MD MS,MSc (Nursing), M.Pharm, MPT, MDS and MSW)
- Basic knowledge of using computer applications, Internet and email
- Interest/ intent for health research and scientific writing
- Conducted research but unable to write it to be acceptable for publishing
- Language as a barrier to effectively communicating research in an article
- Large volume of literature to be stored, archived and retrieved and Inability to keep track of all literature read
- Not sure of how to cite – paraphrasing or quoting
- Not clear on how to cite grey literature, books, and reports and what are internationally acceptable styles for citing
- Not aware of tools available to manage and cite while you write
- Not aware of how to use these tools to connect, network and collaborate with other researchers
This course will address these gaps and enable you to write a research article that is of high quality. This course will also enable you to manage your literature efficiently, saving valuable time and equip you to cite while you write.
What is the language of instruction in the course?
How many hours per week am I expected to put in?
What is the duration of the course?
What are the class timings?
When this course will be unveiled?
What is the importance of this course?
Will I get a certificate for this course?
Yes. You will get a Certificate issued by the Institute of Public Health Bengaluru provided that you fulfill all the requirements of the course which includes timely completion of the assignments, final tests, and a project.
Will I be provided a mentor for the course?
Is exams or Tests will be conducted at the end of the course?

Needed Group Discount?
Contact us at learn@iphindia.org to ask about current group discounts.
for the eSWaRM.2024-A batch
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