Health Equity Network India (HENI) – 23rd Equilogues

25-January-2024 Thursday
3:30-5:00 PM IST
Theme: Health of Adivasi communities in Chamarajanagar southern India, Experiences and Perspective of the Zilla budakattu Girijana Abhivruddhi Sangha (ZBGAS)
Background: The 23rd Equilogue of the Health Equity Network India will introduce the work done by Academia and indigenous social movements. Our decade-old work on health and health care issues of indigenous communities is based on participatory approaches and the coproduction of research knowledge to be used for policy engagement for new programmes or suitable modification for existing programs. Our intent is to include the voices and lived experiences of the communities in the design and implementation of the programmes meant for their betterment. A brief introduction to our work is attached.
Format: A Panel Discussion will feature members of the Zila Budakattu Girijana Abhivruddhi Sangha (ZBGAS) of Karnataka. Panelists include Dr. C Made Gouda (Secretary ZBGAS), Mr. Muttiah (President Adivasi Samanvay Mach, a collective of 400 Forest Associated Tribal communities across India), and Mrs. Puttamma (Member district Forest Rights Act Implementation Committee, Chamarajanagar). The panel will be moderated by C Mahadeva from the Institute of Public Health. The panel will be followed by a Q&A with the audience.

Dr. C Made Gowda
Dr. C Madegowda is a social scientist and adivasi leader has been involved in the indigenous community-based organisation since the beginning. He is also part of state level /district forest rights act implementation committee, Vice president LAMPS BR hills, Member District Tribal Health Navigator programme Chamarajanagar, Secretary biligiri ranganatha swamy soligara samskarana kendra. He works with Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE) Bangalore as a post-doctoral fellow and project manager.

Mr. Muttiah
Mr. Muttiah is an activist, and a Adivasi leader. He has worked extensively with ZBGAS and soliga Abhivruddhi Sangha from grass roots. he has authored a book chapter related to tribal communities, member subdivisional level forest rights act committee Kollegal member district Chamarajanagar district child rights protection committee.

Mrs. Puttamma
Mrs. Puttamma is the president of the taulka tribal women’s association she is one of the women leaders from the Soliga community. She is an active participant in various meetings with district administration. she also works with other two Adivasi communities (Jenu kuruba and Betta Kuruba) in Chamarajanagar.

Mr. C Mahadev
Mr. C Mahadev (Community Engagements Specialist Institute of Public Health). He is the former president of ZBGAS, presently the coordinator for 6 southern Indian states for Adiavsi Samnvay manch Bharath New Delhi. He is working with public and policy engagement for CTRITH a team science grant by DBT/Wellcome/ India Alliance.
The panel discussion will be in kannada the conversation will be translated into in Hindi and English.