IPH Annual Day 2019

IPH Annual Day 2019

On August 30th 2019 IPH celebrated its annual day marking the completion of 14 years in the field of public health. The day began with presentations from the four research clusters sharing of learning and reflections by teams. It was an opportunity for new staff, interns and Fulbright fellows to be acquainted with the range of research, education and public and policy engagement activities at IPH, and an opportunity for all present to take stock of the progress made by IPH this year. The education team took IPH down memory lane with lively anecdotes and stories from how the eLearning team started with 1 – 2 people and has now grown to cater to national and international audiences. Dr. Sarin and Dr. Prashanth NS designed and facilitated a public health quiz, encouraging participants to rack their brain cells and use their crystallised and fluid intelligence to answer riddles and questions about pioneers in the field of public health and key events and decisions that have shaped the field of public health.

Public health enthusiasts, former colleagues and well-wishers joined us for the public
event – “IPH Annual Day oration series” organized in the evening. The event started
off with a short message from Dr. Devadasan,
Founder of IPH, to welcome everyone and reflect on the growth and progress of
IPH. His address was followed by a testimonial video of partners, collaborators
and well-wishers of IPH instilling inspiration in the staff and appreciating the
partnership with IPH.

The speaker for the IPH Annual Day oration series was Dr.
Ravi Narayan
, with a lecture titled “Can floor moppers become tap turners off? – reflections
on a new Public Health Paradigm!’ Dr. Ravi Narayan has been a
long-term mentor for individuals at IPH and an inspiration for all those in the
field of public health. Over a one-hour lecture, Dr. Narayan elegantly took the
audience through his personal journey into the field of health and described
how the field has changed over the years. He brought attention to a few grassroots
public health movements and initiatives in India that were radical and path
breaking. Dr. Narayan encouraged the audience to move beyond thinking solely
about primary health care and think carefully about resource limitations, work
with local knowledge and think creatively at problem solving. He reminded the
audience that the determinants of health are vast: physical, social, mental,
economic, political; and thus it is important for doctors and public health
professionals to change their focus and consider ways to turn the tap off.

The day ended with a music performance by an extremely talented young artist, Samarth
R. Samarth is a young Carnatic singer and his strong voice echoed through the
auditorium, briefly making the audience forget the time. The director of IPH, Dr. Upendra Bhojani
closed the annual day with a vote of thanks, thanking everyone for their
enthusiastic participation and making the time to be part of our celebration. The
day ended with refreshments, chatter and renewed energy to carry forward until
the next annual day.

India Alliance Fellows Meet 2019

India Alliance Fellows Meet 2019

IPH Faculty and Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance research fellows Upendra Bhojani and Pragati Hebbar attended the 9th Annual Fellows’ Meet in Bengaluru from June 13 – 15th 2019. The annual fellows meet serves as a platform to bring together India Alliance Fellows and other grant recipients from prestigious research institutes together to foster collaboration, support and exchange of ideas across a wide range of research areas.

Both Pragati and Upendra presented their work during the first year of their fellowships through scientific poster sessions. Upendra Bhojani was invited to present his work and research supported by India Alliance during this meet. Upendra gave a talk titled “Commercial Determinants of health: the political economy of tobacco in India”, available for viewinghere.

Given the present focus on and the growing concern of the role of corporations in promoting products and choices that are mass produced and are in general detrimental to health, Upendra’s talk was relevant and well-received.

At the Fellows meet, new committee members were introduced. Wellcome Trust and DBT India Alliance also launched new grant opportunities such as the Team Science Grants and grants to establish virtual Clinical/Public Health Research Centres, in order to provide a platform for collaborating and strengthening important research initiatives in India.

World No Tobacco Day 2019

World No Tobacco Day 2019

Dr. Upendra Bhojani was invited to participate in a National Consultation on Tobacco and Lung Health organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) country office in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in New Delhi on 31st May 2019 to observe the occasion of World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). The annual World No Tobacco Day is organised by the WHO for advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption and engaging stakeholders across multiple sectors in the fight for tobacco control. The theme for 2019, “Tobacco and Lung Health” focuses on “the negative impact that tobacco has on people’s lung health, from cancer to chronic respiratory disease and the fundamental role lungs play for the health and well-being of all people.”
During the award ceremony, prizes were awarded to acknowledge the work of individuals and organizations in their exceptional efforts toward promoting tobacco control in India. Additionally, scientific documents titled

were released during the event, providing an overview of tobacco use and providing multi-pronged recommendations to reduce the burden of tobacco attributable lung diseases in India. An official website dedicated to the National Tobacco Control Program was also launched during the same day.

Workshop on Professional medical associations and policy-making

Dr. Upendra Bhojani, India Alliance Fellow and Faculty at Institute of Public Health, was invited to participate in workshop and a discussion on “Professional medical associations and policymaking: perspectives from research and practice” organized by The University of Chicago in collaboration with Azim Premji University in Delhi on April 26th, 2019.

This workshop and public dialogue examined critical questions in the context of dynamic policy environments and brought together academics, practitioners and others interested in the role of professional medical associations as key stakeholders in shaping health policy. The panelists shared their research and experiences, methodological challenges and together came up with ideas and strategies for further research and action in the context of the present and increasingly globalized world of biomedicine.

The workshop was organised by Dr. Veena Sriram from UChicago Center for Health and the Social Sciences. The other panelists included prominent health researchers and key stakeholders from various organizations including Dr. Arima Mishra (Azim Premji University), Dr. Sorcha Brophy (University of Chicago), Dr. Rama Baru (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and Dr. Anant Bhan (President, International Association of Bioethics).

IPH participates in a tobacco control stakeholders meeting called by the state government

State Anti tobacco cell, Government of Karnataka had conducted a coalition meeting of all private stakeholders organisation working on tobacco control measures on 22nd April 2019 at Health Directorate.

Dr Jagadish Joint Director – Medical , Dr Selvarajan Deputy Director – Mediacl, Mr Chandrashekar, Nodal Officer, High Power Committee on Tobacco control, Dr Vishal Rao and Dr Upendra Bhojani.

State Anti Tobacco Cell had organised a Coalition Meeting with all the key stakeholders working on Tobacco control in State on 22nd April 2019 at Health directorate. In the meeting had a discussion on current tobacco control policies and their implementation at grassroot level of all the districts of Karnataka. Dr Upendra Bhojani Assistant Director, IPH, Dr Pragati Hebbar,Faculty, IPH, Dr Chandrashekar, Advocacy Officer, IPH and Dr Vishal Rao, Adjunct Faculty, IPH had participated in the meeting and shared their thoughts on implementation of tobacco control activities and IEC campaign for the upcoming World No Tobacco Day.

Understanding humans

Understanding humans

Jaison B Kolenchery, a Masters in Molecular Genetics from Leicester University, UK and currently completing his PhD at Exeter University, UK would be presenting a seminar on the topic ‘Understanding Humans’.
As humans, we pride ourselves in our perceived intellectual superiority over other living beings that inhabit the earth. While we have achieved so much regarding our scientific understanding of the natural world and technology, we have so much more to accomplish in the areas of discrimination and unhealthy behaviours. This presentation attempts to briefly introduce some peculiar cognitive disorders, biases and logical fallacies in the hope to gain a better understanding of our behaviours and cognitive processes. Furthermore, this may also help in strategising and moulding our circumstances to reduce the incidence of irrational behaviours.Institute of Public Health Bengaluru is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Jaison B Kolenchery



Leicester University, UK 




4:00 pm – 5.00 pm


Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru

3009, II-A Main, 17th Cross, KR Rd, Siddanna Layout,
Banashankari Stage II, Banashankari,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560070