Strengthening microbiology laboratory capacity in India: health policy implications beyond the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases

Strengthening microbiology laboratory capacity in India: health policy implications beyond the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases

The role for rural microbiology laboratory infrastructure strengthening in infectious disease control and strengthening health systems


Dr. Husain Poonawala






3.00 pm – 4.30 pm


Institute of Public health
#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,
Girinagar Ist  Phase,
Bengaluru – 560085

Malnutrition among children of migrant construction workers (Ahmedabad, Gujarat)

Malnutrition among children of migrant construction workers (Ahmedabad, Gujarat)

Malnutrition among children of migrant construction workers (Ahmedabad, Gujarat): Status and Perceptions, Household Challenges and Policy Gaps.”Malnutrition among children of migrant construction workers (Ahmedabad, Gujarat): Status and Perceptions, Household Challenges and Policy Gaps.”


Divya Ravindranath






2.00 pm – 3.30 pm


Institute of Public health
#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,
Girinagar Ist  Phase,
Bengaluru – 560085

Research methods seminar series – 1

Research methods seminar series – 1

Date and Time

18 August 2017, 2.00-5.00 pm


Institute of Public health

#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,

Girinagar Ist  Phase,

Bengaluru – 560085

The seminar will focus on Mapping out the landscape of research methods in public health ranging from experimental/quasi-experimental methods to various other social science research methods and participatory methods in relation to their disciplinary underpinnings, epistemology and ontology. In a second part of the session, there will be a discussion on the typology of research questions in public health, especially within health policy and systems research, focusing on what kind of research approaches suit specific questions and why.

Regional road safety meeting

Regional road safety meeting

CUTS International in partnership with Centre for Environment & Development (CED) organized a Regional Meeting on ‘Road safety – Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill 2017 & Way Forward’ in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on July 14, 2017. Adv. Mathew T. Thomas (Minister for Water Resources, Govt. of Kerala and former Minister for Transport), inaugurated the meeting
About 100 participants, including delegates from 7 states, attended the workshop. Pragati Hebbar of Institute of Public Health participated in the meeting. 
IPH now a member of Transdisciplinary University research partnership ecosystem

IPH now a member of Transdisciplinary University research partnership ecosystem

On the 14th of June 2017, Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru signed a memorandum of understanding with the Transdisciplinary University to join a group of 10 other organizations as a member of the TDU research partnership ecosystem. Under this, we will be contributing to the public health and health systems component of learning in the PhD program.
Last date for application is 25th July, link to the call is here


Visit to Durham University

Visit to Durham University


As part of his UK visit, Upendra Bhojani of the Institute of Public Health (Bengaluru) visited the Durham University. Prof. Andrew Russell at the Department of Anthropology (Durham University), who has been doing pioneering work in area of tobacco control, facilitated this visit. They exchanged ideas for collaborative work in area of tobacco control including contributions of arts and humanities in enhancing tobacco control. Upendra engaged with collaborators of the ‘life of breath’ project and the Director (Prof. Jane Macnaughton) of the Centre for Medical Humanities at the Durham University.