Patient centered care: a key dimension in quality of care

Patient centered care: a key dimension in quality of care

Patient-Centered Care (PCC) is an essential, albeit underdeveloped dimension in quality of (health) care. In this presentation, the notion of PCC is defined. The current situation in terms of PCC in LMIC is then briefly reviewed, with an important but not exclusive...

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Call for application for Implementation research workshop

Call for application for Implementation research workshop

Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru and Center for Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia are calling for applicants to participate in the 3rd Batch of the Regional Course on IR that will be held...

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Research methods seminar series – 1

Research methods seminar series – 1

Prashanth N S Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru 18 August 2017, 2.00-5.00 pm Institute of Public health #250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross, Girinagar Ist  Phase, Bengaluru – 560085 The seminar will focus on Mapping out the landscape of research methods in...

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Regional road safety meeting

Regional road safety meeting

Regional road safety meeting: CUTS International in partnership with Centre for Environment & Development (CED) organized a Regional Meeting on ‘Road safety

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Visit to Durham University

Visit to Durham University

As part of his UK visit, Upendra Bhojani of the Institute of Public Health (Bengaluru) visited the Durham University. Prof. Andrew Russell at the Department of Anthropology (Durham University), who has been doing pioneering work in area of tobacco control, facilitated...

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Making Cities Socially Inclusive: International Workshop

Making Cities Socially Inclusive: International Workshop

The Leeds Institute of Health Sciences (University of Leeds) hosted the first International Workshop as part of an initiative at building networks for Socially Inclusive Cities. The workshop saw participation of collaborating institutes from Vietnam (Hanoi University...

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World No Tobacco Day 2017

The Consortium for Tobacco Free Karnataka (a group of individuals and organizations working towards tobacco free Karnataka) in collaboration with the state (Karnataka State Anti Tobacco Cell) and municipal (Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagar Palike) governments organized...

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Socially Inclusive Cities

Socially Inclusive Cities

On May 26 (2017), the Institute of Public Health (Bengaluru) organized a workshop on making cities socially inclusive. This was the first in a series of workshops on this theme aimed at building a network of stakeholders (researchers, academicians, practitioners, and...

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South Asia Tobacco Control Leadership Program

South Asia Tobacco Control Leadership Program

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (Baltimore), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of Nepal), The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union) and Action Nepal organized a South Asia Tobacco Control Leadership...

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Voiceless but not speechless

Voiceless but not speechless

TBI Blogs: This Small-Scale Farmer Bravely Fought Cancer and Is Now Helping Others Fight Tobacco Addiction Meet Durgaiah, a farmer and a cancer survivor who not only won the battle against throat cancer, but is now using his second chance at life to train, counsel,...

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Gender in Global Health

Gender in Global Health

Manoj Kumar, staff at IPH published an article in International Health Policies     I write this blog based on reflections from a global health conference I attended recently, but the issue of gender (in)equality has also been weighing on my mind for some...

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The Soliga Story

The Soliga Story

  The Soliga people of southern India continue to live within and around forest areas. Their history, tradition, and culture are deeply rooted within the forests in which they live. In an increasingly globalised world, their ways and means slowly erode as they...

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The art of data collection in health system research

The art of data collection in health system research

The art of data collection in health system research: Lessons learned from the field. Data collection is the most important aspect any research endeavour. Poor quality of the data will have impact on the results of the research study.Therefore it is vital for the...

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What I learnt from my first health system research project

What I learnt from my first health system research project

Dr Praveenkumar Aivalli blog titled, ” What I learnt from my first health system research project ” published in BioMed Central   Starting my first research project Back in 2013, I just stepped out of my university after getting my Master of Public Health degree,...

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