Public Health Seminars

Every month, IPH holds public health seminars on various relevant topics within public health. Typically, the seminars will be given by IPH staff or visitors. All IPH seminars will be open to public and invitations will be posted on IPH’s website and social media channels. We particularly welcome students of health and allied subjects and young researchers/practitioners of public health.Seminars will be held from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM usually on Thursday.
Unpacking Interventions

Unpacking Interventions

Dr. Pragati Hebbar will be presenting a seminar on the topic ‘Unpacking implementation’.

As part of her early career Wellcome trust/ DBT India Alliance fellowship she is undertaking an ‘Implementation research for taking tobacco control policy interventions to scale in India.’ One of the first steps in this endeavour is to unpack ‘implementation’ and related concepts / models / theories / frameworks and define it for this project purpose. Through this seminar she would like to share her readings and thoughts on the topic of implementation and garner feedback into how she has situated the same in her work.

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