India Alliance Fellows Meet 2019

India Alliance Fellows Meet 2019

IPH Faculty and Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance research fellows Upendra Bhojani and Pragati Hebbar attended the 9th Annual Fellows’ Meet in Bengaluru from June 13 – 15th 2019. The annual fellows meet serves as a platform to bring together India Alliance Fellows and other grant recipients from prestigious research institutes together to foster collaboration, support and exchange of ideas across a wide range of research areas.

Both Pragati and Upendra presented their work during the first year of their fellowships through scientific poster sessions. Upendra Bhojani was invited to present his work and research supported by India Alliance during this meet. Upendra gave a talk titled “Commercial Determinants of health: the political economy of tobacco in India”, available for viewinghere.

Given the present focus on and the growing concern of the role of corporations in promoting products and choices that are mass produced and are in general detrimental to health, Upendra’s talk was relevant and well-received.

At the Fellows meet, new committee members were introduced. Wellcome Trust and DBT India Alliance also launched new grant opportunities such as the Team Science Grants and grants to establish virtual Clinical/Public Health Research Centres, in order to provide a platform for collaborating and strengthening important research initiatives in India.

Poster presentation at GCIS, Dhaka

Poster presentation at GCIS, Dhaka

Dr. Pragati Hebbar presenting her research poster at GCIS, Dhaka

Centre of Excellence for Science of Implementation and Scale-up (CoE-SISU), BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health at BRAC University and UNICEF Bangladesh hosted a Global Conference on Implementation Science and Scale-Up at Dhaka from 29th June 2019 to 01st July 2019.

The conference aimed to showcase the role of Implementation Science in promoting a culture of evidence-based health and other social development programmes, policies, and practices. It was an excellent attempt to bridge the gap between research and policy making. 

Dr. Pragati Hebbar, PhD scholar and Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Fellow from the Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru participated and presented a poster on ‘Anusthana’ – implementation research for scaling up tobacco control policy interventions.

The GCIS was a very good platform to network with like-minded researchers and engaging policymakers to listen to the success stories through the use of Implementation Sciences to influence programme, policy, and practice. 

World Antibiotic Awareness Week

World Antibiotic Awareness Week

The Antimicrobial Stewardship cluster of the Institute of Public Health promoted the “World Antibiotic Awareness Week” from 12th – 18th of November through a  series of academic sessions conducted at select Pharmacy colleges, Hospitals and Schools, on themes corresponding to each day of the week as listed out by WHO. The sessions dealt with strengthening awareness regarding indiscriminate Antibiotic usage, infection prevention and control aided through WASH, One Health approaches incorporating interventions for environment and animal health etc. The events were aimed to sensitize the target audiences on current gaps in practice and roles and opportunities for intervention. The week-long events culminated with a colloquium on strengthening antibiotic stewardship through coordinated research and development, organized at IPH, with the participation of resources from NCBS, Al Ameen College of Pharmacy, KLE College of Pharmacy, Karuna Trust, Sri Devraj Urs Medical College Kolar, Molecular Solutions Care Health, Acharya Institute and PCMH restore health.

Review Methods

Review Methods

This seminar is structured differently. 3 speakers (Prashanth, Tanya and Nityasri) will make presentations of 15 minutes each on related topics. All research begins with a review of literature. In this seminar, the three speakers will each present a different review method – realist synthesis, critical interpretative synthesis and systematic review, respectively.


Prashanth, Tanya and Nityasri



IPH Staff




4.00 pm – 5.00 pm


Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru
#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,
Girinagar Ist  Phase,
Bengaluru – 560085

Health inequities in India: A synthesis book launch and discussion

Health inequities in India: A synthesis book launch and discussion

Institute of Public Health, Bangalore is happy to invite you to join a book launch event around our new book Health Inequities in India: A Synthesis of Recent EvidenceThe book is edited by Sundari Ravindran and Rakhal Gaitonde (Springer, 2018). 
Dr. Prashanth N S, who heads our health equity cluster has co-written several chapters in the book. 
The book launch and interactive discussion is on 23 February 2018, at 6.30 PM, at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru
Dr. Upendra Bhojani (Faculty, Institute of Public Health & External Consultant, IIHS), will be in conversation with the editors and contributors of the book: 
1. Dr. T K Sundari Ravindran, Professor, Shree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum
2. Dr. Rakhal Gaitonde, Centre for Technology and Policy (CTaP), Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
3. Dr. C Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor, M S Ramaih Medical College, Bangalore
4. Dr. Sudharshini Subramaniam, Assistant Professor, Madras Medical College, Chennai 
5. Dr. Chitra Grace, Independent Researcher, Trivandrum
6. Dr. Prashanth Nuggehalli Srinivas, Faculty & India Alliance Fellow, Institute of Public Health, Bangalore
The book brings together a vast expanse of research on health inequities in India, identifies research gaps, proposes areas for future research on the subject, and discusses all the major documented axes of marginalisation.
PublicTexts is a series of conversations with authors about their work, using particular texts as starting points for dynamic, contemporary and free-ranging conversations about the present. These conversations are part of Publics, a series of interactions, seminars, events, exhibitions and talks held at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru.
This programme is free and open to public. All are welcome.
IIHS Bengaluru City CampusNo. 197/36, 2nd Main Road, SadashivanagarBengaluru 560 080. India
Tel: +91 80 6760 6666
Regional road safety meeting

Regional road safety meeting

CUTS International in partnership with Centre for Environment & Development (CED) organized a Regional Meeting on ‘Road safety – Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill 2017 & Way Forward’ in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on July 14, 2017. Adv. Mathew T. Thomas (Minister for Water Resources, Govt. of Kerala and former Minister for Transport), inaugurated the meeting
About 100 participants, including delegates from 7 states, attended the workshop. Pragati Hebbar of Institute of Public Health participated in the meeting.