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  • As of 31st of December 2010, we had trained 82 people. However, only 23 completed 10 and more modules and were given certificates at a function organised by the government. The rest of the participants have been given the opportunity to attend catch up classes and complete the course. Three of the participants have been recommended for the MPH course at ITM – Antwerp. They have got admission and are awaiting news about scholarships.
  • A total of 89 primary health centre medical officers from the district were trained in public health management.


Other activities under the project

Other activities under the project

Other activities under the project

The training for PHC medical officers of Tumkur district was undertaken to strengthen their managerial capacities. The objectives of the training were to provide them the principles of public health and PHC management, to enhance their understanding of the varied administrative and financial procedures, to present them with soft skills like leadership, motivation and team work, and to assist them in understanding the importance of monitoring their work.

Starting from November 2010, four training sessions were conducted till March 201. Each training session lasted for three days. An innovation was that some of these sessions were facilitated by the participants of the district level trainees.

Other activities under the project

Knowledge to action

Knowledge to action

While it is still too early to assess the impact of this training programme, we share some anecdotal evidence of its effect.

  • The District Tuberculosis Officer applied the concepts of problem tree analysis to help her improve case detection of TB patients.
  • The Administrative  Medical  Officer  of  Gubbi taluk conducted  a  study  in  his  hospital  to understand the reasons behind patient dissatisfaction over the offered services.
  • The Taluk Health Officer from Gubbi taluk used the concepts in the module on motivation to understand the attitudes of his health centre staff.
  •  Situational analysis and data validation skills were employed by enthusiastic participants in the NRHM PIP formulation.
  • The District Tuberculosis officer and Reproductive and Child Health Officer have been using supportive supervisory skills in their everyday practice. This has opened up channels of communication with their peer and subordinates, and has also improved the quality of the outputs.
  • A few SK participants attended the International Conference on Strengthening District Health systems held at Chennai in May 2010.  They actively participated in the discussions and also made field trips to PHCs, Taluk hospitals and sub-centres. All field visits involved detailed interaction with the health functionaries of these institutions through interviews and tours of the facilities. The end result was a report which tried to explain why the health services in Tamil Nadu were more effective as compared to those in Karnataka.
Other activities under the project

District Health Management in Tumkur

Swasthya Karnataka partnered with the Karnataka Health Systems Development and Reforms Project (KHSDRP) to build the capacity of the Tumkur District Health Officers.

Profile of the participants

  • District Health Officer
  • District Programme officers
  • Taluk Health Officers
  • Specialists from district and taluk hospitals
  • Nursing officers
  • Administrative officers
  • BPMs and DPMs

Design of the training programme

Curriculum was developed keeping adult learning principles in mind using experiential learning techniques. Content focused on building knowledge and skills through practical application of the content to issues in the participant’s daily work routine.

Training modules

A total of 16 modules were taught over 17 months. While the initial batch was 63 participants, many dropped out because of retirement, transfers and lack of interest. This was further compounded by extraneous factors like a doctor’s strike, year ending pressures and clashes with other training programmes.

The  duration of  the training  was from  June 2009 to  December 2010.


  • Public Health
  • Planning
  • Administrative & Financial procedures
  • Supervision, Quality of care
  • Monitorying
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Conflict resolution
  • Motivation
  • Role of panchayats & two clinical topics
Other activities under the project

Community Health Day – Nittur PHC, Tumkur

Community Health Day (Institute of public health,IPH)Karnataka State Health and Family Welfare department has declared year 2011-2012 as National Vaccination Programme. The goal is to increase focus on seven vaccine preventable diseases. To promote the programme much further, the department observed September 20 as Community health day in all the districts of the state. The prime agenda on the community health day at all Primary Health Centres(PHC) and Community health centers (CHC) over Karnataka was to undertake a promise to ensure that all children in their respective villages are immunized against the seven deadly diseases- Tuberculoses, Poliomyelitis, Diphtheria, Pertusis, Whooping cough, Tetanus, Measles.

Place : Primary Health Care (PHC), Nittur village, Gubbi taluka
Date : 20/9/2011
Time : 2:30 to 4:30 PM

Programme objective:

  1. To inform all village health stakeholders about National Vaccination year.

  2. All stake holders to take oath, to ensure that all children in their respective areas are immunized.

  3. To create awareness about facilities and services/schemes provided at PHC

  4. To take innovative ideas and suggestion from the community representatives on ways to improve health care services at PHC.

Community health day reportPhotos

Attitudinal change training for District hospital staff

Attitudinal change training for District hospital staff, Tumkur

From :  5 Sept – 14 Sept  2011

Currently, about 230 district hospital staff are undergoing attitudinal change training in Tumkur.
The prime aim of the this training is to
  • To sensitize the participants to the emotions, expectations and feelings of patients
  • To assist participants in re-examining issues and problems faced by them in routine practice