Gender Inequities

Gender Inequities

The Health Equity Network India (HENI) secretariat at IPH Bengaluru is pleased to announce the thirteenth webinar in the Equilogues series in May 2019.

Theme: Gender Inequities in Publicly Funded Health Insurance Schemes

Summary of the talk: In this webinar, the speaker unravels gender inequities in social protection mechanisms for health and challenges the gender neutrality stance of publicly funded health insurance schemes (PFHIS).  She discusses the several gender-based barriers in the pathway to access healthcare under the PFHIS drawing from her recently completed a doctoral study on Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme. Concepts such as ‘household’, ‘access’ and ‘coping’ are revisited using a gender lens. 

About the speaker: Rajalakshmi RamPrakash is a researcher and a social activist on gender and health-based out of Chennai. She has a Masters in Social Work and a Doctorate in Social Sciences from Tata Institute of Social Sciences. She has been involved in several research studies on themes intersecting gender with sexual and reproductive health, law, ethics, health insurance and health systems. She is a member of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan, Gender & Evaluation Community and is currently with Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Chennai. 


Rajalakshmi RamPrakash






3.00 pm – 4.00 pm


Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru

IPH participates in a tobacco control stakeholders meeting called by the state government

State Anti tobacco cell, Government of Karnataka had conducted a coalition meeting of all private stakeholders organisation working on tobacco control measures on 22nd April 2019 at Health Directorate.

Dr Jagadish Joint Director – Medical , Dr Selvarajan Deputy Director – Mediacl, Mr Chandrashekar, Nodal Officer, High Power Committee on Tobacco control, Dr Vishal Rao and Dr Upendra Bhojani.

State Anti Tobacco Cell had organised a Coalition Meeting with all the key stakeholders working on Tobacco control in State on 22nd April 2019 at Health directorate. In the meeting had a discussion on current tobacco control policies and their implementation at grassroot level of all the districts of Karnataka. Dr Upendra Bhojani Assistant Director, IPH, Dr Pragati Hebbar,Faculty, IPH, Dr Chandrashekar, Advocacy Officer, IPH and Dr Vishal Rao, Adjunct Faculty, IPH had participated in the meeting and shared their thoughts on implementation of tobacco control activities and IEC campaign for the upcoming World No Tobacco Day.

health research priority-setting

health research priority-setting


Engaging communities in health research priority-setting is a key means of setting research topics and questions of relevance and benefit to them. But communities, especially those considered disadvantaged and marginalised, rarely have a say in the agendas and priorities of the very health research projects that aim to help them.

How can researchers and communities share power and ownership when setting priorities for health research projects? An “ethical toolkit” is being developed to help researchers and their partners design inclusive priority-setting processes for health research projects. The toolkit places community engagement and power-sharing at the heart of health research priority-setting. It is a reflective project planning aid for use before priority-setting is undertaken for a health research project. It consists of 3 worksheets and a companion document.

In today’s workshop, the ethical toolkit will be introduced to workshop participants and they will be able to give comments and feedback. Then workshop participants will have the opportunity to apply the toolkit to their current/upcoming health research projects in small groups. (The toolkit is currently not publicly available but will be provided to participants at
the workshop.)

About the speaker

Dr Bridget Pratt is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Health Equity at the School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne. Her work focuses on the ethics of global health research and health systems research, with a focus on social and global justice. She develops ethical guidance
for global health research in relation to multiple areas: priority-setting, governance, capacity development, community engagement, provision of ancillary care, research translation, benefit-sharing, and data sharing.

The event is organised by the health equity cluster at IPH Bengluru and is supported by the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance fellowship to Dr. Prashanth N S

India Alliance Logo


Dr Bridget Pratt



School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne




10:00 am – 3.00 pm


Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru

3009, II-A Main, 17th Cross, KR Rd, Siddanna Layout,
Banashankari Stage II, Banashankari,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560070

National Conference on Tobacco or Health

National Conference on Tobacco or Health

The fourth edition of the ‘National Conference on Tobacco or Health’ concluded recently in Mumbai (8-10 February 2019). It saw a range of stakeholders across Indian states coming together in what the conference’s organizing secretary described as the “Kumbh Mela” of tobacco control. The Institute of Public Health (Bengaluru) had a strong presence at the conference, attended by Upendra Bhojani, Faculty and India Alliance Fellow, and his team, Aparna Vincent and Amiti Varma. Upendra served as a co-chair for the pre-conference and presented on ‘research ethics’ as part of a pre-conference workshop on research priorities for tobacco control in India. Apart from chairing a couple of sessions in the conference, he presented on the politics of tobacco and on tobacco industry interference, including in the closing plenary of the conference. Amiti presented on behalf of Pragati Hebbar (IPH faculty and India Alliance Fellow) on studying the implementation of tobacco control laws in India.

The NCTOH has been an important platform for individuals and organizations working on tobacco control across all of India to come together, and the 4th NCTOH was equally enriching and productive.

Understanding humans

Understanding humans

Jaison B Kolenchery, a Masters in Molecular Genetics from Leicester University, UK and currently completing his PhD at Exeter University, UK would be presenting a seminar on the topic ‘Understanding Humans’.
As humans, we pride ourselves in our perceived intellectual superiority over other living beings that inhabit the earth. While we have achieved so much regarding our scientific understanding of the natural world and technology, we have so much more to accomplish in the areas of discrimination and unhealthy behaviours. This presentation attempts to briefly introduce some peculiar cognitive disorders, biases and logical fallacies in the hope to gain a better understanding of our behaviours and cognitive processes. Furthermore, this may also help in strategising and moulding our circumstances to reduce the incidence of irrational behaviours.Institute of Public Health Bengaluru is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Jaison B Kolenchery



Leicester University, UK 




4:00 pm – 5.00 pm


Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru

3009, II-A Main, 17th Cross, KR Rd, Siddanna Layout,
Banashankari Stage II, Banashankari,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560070

IPH FCRA Statement

IPH FCRA Statement

The Institute of Public Health (IPH), Bengaluru is a not-for-profit academic research organisation that has been conducting health systems research in close coordination with governments in India. In October 2016, our FCRA license was not renewed without specifying any reasons (see our earlier statement here). Subsequently, we had appealed to the Karnataka high court.

On January 28 (2019), the honourable high court passed a final order that set aside an earlier order by FCRA authority regarding non-renewal of IPH’s FCRA license on the grounds that the authority did not specify any reasons for non-renewal of the license. The court directed the FCRA authority to consider the renewal application of the petitioner for grant of FCRA license afresh by a speaking order within a period of one month. We welcome this order and reiterate our commitment to compliance and cooperation with the FCRA authority hoping for the positive consideration of our renewal application. We express our gratitude to our staff and ex-staff, friends and collaborators who comforted us and extended direct and indirect support in difficult times. We are indeed thankful to government agencies that have supported and appreciated our work and have welcomed us as their partners.