Developing effective payment platforms for accessing public finance in Zambia: Presentation and Q&A with Dr Kajal
Dr. Kajal shares with us findings and lessons learnt from her research in Zambia that looked at developing effective payment platforms for accessing public finance. This was qualitative research with different stakeholders from the Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) and public sector ministry of health at state and provincial levels. The findings may be relevant to Low and Middle income countries such as India.
Ninth Webinar in the Epilogue Series
Closing the Gap: Health Equity Research Initiative in India of the Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology is partnering with the Cluster on Health Equity at the Institute of Public Health Bengaluru to announce the ninth webinar in the Equilogues series.
Theme: Denial of reproductive health rights of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in Chhattisgarh
Speaker: Sulakshana Nandi, State Convener of Public Health Resource Network, Chhattisgarh.
Review Methods
This seminar is structured differently. 3 speakers (Prashanth, Tanya and Nityasri) will make presentations of 15 minutes each on related topics. All research begins with a review of literature. In this seminar, the three speakers will each present a different review method – realist synthesis, critical interpretative synthesis and systematic review, respectively.
The Blind Men and the Elephant: India’s Tuberculosis epidemic
The seminar will discuss my observations about India's tuberculosis epidemic, seen through the perspective of my training in infectious diseases and microbiology. I have spent the last year working with the National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis on a research...
Implementation research for taking tobacco control policy interventions to scale in India
Tobacco kills approximately six million people globally and over one million adults in India each year. In India, a comprehensive tobacco control law the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) 2003 exists. However, the implementation remains sub-optimal. COTPA has worked in some places/contexts/settings and not in others. From a policy and implementation perspective, it is crucial to systematically understand how and why the implementation of this law has occurred. By doing this, we will improve our knowledge of implementing effective tobacco control policies (TCPs) as well as identify system-wide implementation bottlenecks that could affect other sectors like pharmaceutical/food. I aim to improve the implementation of TCP in India by describing and explaining the why and how of its implementation across Indian states. Some of the hypotheses include: a) Champions at either political or bureaucratic level facilitate policy making and implementation process b) Implementation is weakened when restrictive mandates are provided to departments who are not involved in punitive action. The study will be conducted in five phases using quantitative and qualitative methods to map implementation landscape and using theory-driven inquiry to draw lessons. The purpose of this seminar is to seek suggestions to improve the proposal and shape the work that I will be doing over the next 5 years as part of my early career India Alliance fellowship.
Deciphering an epidemic of epic proportion: the role of state and tobacco industry in tobacco control in post-liberalized India (1990-2017)
In this seminar, Upendra Bhojani will present an overview of the research he aims to conduct as part of the India Alliance fellowship for the next 5 years. The purpose is to seek comments/suggestions/critique for refining the proposal. About 3500 Indians die every day due to tobacco-attributable illnesses. Despite several regulatory measures, there has been a marginal decline in tobacco use in the last two decades. In fact, since 1990s, tobacco production and sales have increased. Therefore, this research aims to understand the role played by the state policies (related to tobacco) and the tobacco industry actions during 1990-2017. I will conduct the study in three phases. In Phase-1, I will map public policies related to tobacco in this period. In will use quantitative data to explore associations between the tobacco policies and the trends in tobacco production and consumption. In phase-2 I will use qualitative data to understand how the tobacco industry actors influence tobacco policies in India. How do governments in India respond to the industry influence as well as their own varying (often conflicting) interests in tobacco? Based on these insights, in the phase-3, I will select ten Indian states: five positive (significant decline in tobacco prevalence over time) and five negative (status quo or increase in tobacco prevalence) cases. I will use qualitative comparative analysis to understand the combinations of measures (policies, implementation, tobacco industry) that best explain a significant reduction in tobacco use prevalence.
A Comparison of National Guidelines
A Comparison of the National Guidelines of the VL Elimination Programme- Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is an infectious disease predominantly transmitted
GIS Mapping
GIS Mapping of Private Sector Medical Facilities- There is very little information currently available about the private sector in India.
Tobacco Control Project
tobacco control: Understanding public policy around tobacco use is required to understand the conflicts of interests of state
Medicines for Visceral Leishmaniasis
medicines for Visceral Leishmaniasis – WHO identified Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) as a Category I disease (emerging and uncontrolled) and the support
Integrating mental health
Integrating mental health – The global burden of disease for mental health problems is substantial, but because of scarce resources that are unequally
Evaluation of Midwifery Training
Evaluation of Midwifery Training: Evaluation of the midwives training program team will present a seminar on the baseline findings of the project
UHC in Karnataka
Mr. Josh Ridley will present a comparative study of the utilisation of the Vajpayee Aarogyashree and the Rajiv Aarogyashri health insurance schemes in Karnataka to ensure UHC
Tableau demonstration
Mr Solomon Thirumurugan will present his end of internship seminar on Safer Roads Bengaluru Project. The seminar will have two presentations simultaneously, his work in the road safety project and his working experience as an Intern at Institute of Public Health,...
Understanding the Impact of Indoor Residual Spraying through the lenses of Indian Legal framework
Vector control is one of the five elements of Health Systems approach towards elimination of Visceral Leishmaniasis. Synthetic Pyrethroids (SPs) have replaced DDT 5% in 2015 after tolerance was detected in 11 villages of Northern India. Continuous use of SPs in the...
Safer Roads Bangalore
Open discussion and feedback on the study design for "Safer Roads Bangalore project". The objective of the project is to reduce road crashes by 50% by 2021 in the selected stretch of road in Bengaluru by improving awareness and safe driving practices of road users...
Weekly Seminar: Canadian Health System
Ms. Eunice Choi, an intern with IPH will present a seminar on the Canadian health system. The summary of her presentation is as follows "Canada has a highly decentralized governance, organization, and delivery of health services, wherein the provinces and territories...
WHO framework (IPCHS)
WHO framework on Integrated people-centred health services (IPCHS) is a call for the countries to shift the way health services are funded, managed and delivered. The framework supports countries to achieve universal health coverage by shifting health systems designed...
CSR partnership & challenges
CSR partnership & challenges: Anirban terms himself as an accidental engineer having a passion for sports. Anirban comes with experience in sports sector
Tobacco epidemic in India and the societal harms it causes
Syeda will present her work with the tobacco control project. She will be speaking about the tobacco epidemic in India and the societal harms it causes as well as current solutions including existing policy. She will also speak about the tobacco control project, which...
Service Learning and Community
Service Learning and Community: Dr. Sunitha Srinivas will present a seminar based on her experiences at Rhodes University.
Pharm D program in india
Pharm D program in india: Prof. Kiran Nagaraj will introduce us to the Pharm. D program in India. He has finished his Master of Pharmacy from JSS Mysore
Inaugural session EPHP 2016 | Keynote Speaker | Kabir Sheikh
Inaugural session EPHP 2016 | Keynote Speaker | Kabir Sheikh (Adjunct Associate Professor & Head Public Health Foundation of India, Delhi)
Internship: Krishna Subedi
Tobacco cessation counselling in NIMHANS, field visits to the primary Internship Seminar: Krishna Subedi: health care center
Health Preparedness for Rabies
Framework for Evaluation of Health System Preparedness for Rabies Prevention. He will also present a few comments from his review of Nepal
Internship: Sanam Monterio
Internship: Sanam Monterio will be presenting what she has produced as well as what she learned concerning tribals in India; namely secondary data tools.
technique in qualitative research
technique in qualitative research: It is mainly focusing on the interview schedule development interviewing skills and conduct of the narrative interview.
Social Health Assistance: Experience from Belgium & lessons for low or middle-income countries
Social Health Assistance is one of the components of a comprehensive Social Health Protection Policy. More specifically, Prof Bart Criel would be drawing on his experiences with it in Belgium and from thereon identify possible lessons of it for LMIC countries. Prof....
Global Adult Tobacco Survey – Karnataka
Several tobacco control advocates joined by some of the IPH staff, honorary associates and adjunct faculties were at Vidhana Soudha (legislative assembly) on 11th January, where Deputy Speaker released the State Factsheet of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey...
NCD Dissemination Meet
23-January-2018 10.30-01.30 pm West Fort Hotel No. 19/6, Minarava Mills Compound,, Magadi Road, Next to Mysore Sugandh Dhoop Factory, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560023 Institute of Public Health, Bangalore, conducted a dissemination meet on January 23rd, 2018 with the...