Anushthana: Scaling Implementation of Tobacco Control Laws









An initiative of the Institute of Public Health (IPH) during the implementation of COTPA Act in ensuring signage in all stores related to prohibition of Tobacco and its related products.

This is a research study that aims to understand how to enhance and scale implementation of Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) in India. It’s been a more than a decade that the COTPA was enacted. It has worked in some places/contexts/settings better than in others. This study is an attempt to systematically understand how and why the implementation of this law has occurred across Indian states. The study will be conducted in five phases using quantitative and qualitative methods to map the implementation landscape and using theory-driven inquiry to draw lessons.

This study is supported through India Alliance early-career clinical and public health fellowship awarded to Pragati Hebbar.

Anushthana Team

Funding Agency

India Alliance DBT Wellcome

PhD promoters:

Gera Nagelhout, Department of Health Promotion, Maastricht University
(CAPHRI) Constant ‘Onno’ Van Schayck, Department of Family Medicine, Maastricht
University (CAPHRI)

Dr. Giridhar Babu, Head-Lifecourse Epidemiology, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) & Intermediate Fellow, Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance

Dr. Upendra Bhojani, Director, Institute of Public Health (IPH), Bengaluru


Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi, MS (Dental Surgery), Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai

Dr. Pratima Murthy, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences

Dr. US Vishal Rao, MS (Otolaryngology), Member, High Power Committee on Tobacco Control, Government of Karnataka

Nikhil Gokani, Deputy Director, Law, and Non-Communicable Diseases Unit. Researcher, School of Law and Social Justice, Essex University, Liverpool, UK.


Dr. Prakash C Gupta, Director, PhD, Healis Sekhsaria Institute for Public

Dr. Prashanth NS, PhD, Institute of Public Health (IPH), Bengaluru.

Fellowship Supervisor and Primary sponsor:

Dr. Upendra Bhojani, PhD, Institute of Public Health (IPH), Bengaluru.External Sponsor:

Dr. Sara Van Belle, PhD, Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp.

1.   Publication

2.  Workshops

Realist evaluation in health policy


3.  Webinars

The webinars provide a platform and encourage dialogue amongst researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, and implementers to address and provide solutions to complex public health problems related to tobacco control especially the implementation of tobacco control policies.

These webinars specifically engage with the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), 2003, smokeless tobacco, and e-cigarettes, and aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP), its progress and impact on health outcomes, and challenges/barriers in its implementation across various states in India.

EPISODE 1: Youth and Tobacco Control Policies in India

EPISODE 2: Implementing Ban on Tobacco Advertisements, Promotions, and Sponsorships

EPISODE 3: Prohibition of smoking in public places – implementation experiences 

Episode 4:  Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Tobacco Control

Episode 5: How Does Research Shape Tobacco Control Policies In India?

Conference Presentations

We participated in 12 national and international conferences and shared our work through eight oral and poster presentations.

Cluster updates

Anusthana’s protocol paper published in BMJ

Anusthana’s protocol paper published in BMJ

Dr. Pragati Hebbar together with Vivek Dsouza, Upendra Bhojani, Onno CP van Schayck, Dr. Giridhara Babu, and Gera Nagelhout co-authored a protocol paper titled “Implementation research for taking tobacco control policies to scale in India: a realist evaluation study...

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Workshop on Preventing TII (Chhattisgarh & Manipur)

Workshop on Preventing TII (Chhattisgarh & Manipur)

In two separate workshops held in December last year, Dr. Upendra Bhojani (Director, IPH-Bengaluru) was invited to serve as a resource person (virtual) on Tobacco Industry Interference (TII). The workshops were held in Chhattisgarh (16th December, 2020) and Manipur...

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India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020

India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020

Led by Dr. Upendra Bhojani and Adhip Amin from IPH, the India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020 report has been produced through a collaborative work of several institutions and individuals active in tobacco control research and practice in India. The report...

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Duration of project

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