Health-in All and the Tribal Population in South India

A collaborative research by researchers from the Institute of Tropical Medicine (Antwerp) and the Institute of Public Health (Bengaluru) with tribal populations in South India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala) confirmed and unraveled social exclusion as a major obstacle to health and wellbeing. For health systems to effectively respond to the health needs of these particularly vulnerable populations, an approach is needed that reaches beyond the health sector, to be able to redress exclusion at large. In 2015-16, both the institutes engaged with professional filmmaker, Lode Desmet. Leading to production of ‘Health in All’ documentary. This film makes a case for a ‘health-in all policy’ approach, starting from the realities and needs as voiced by members of tribal communities.
Health in All and the tribal population in South India

Cluster updates

6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Amiti Varma from the DEEP project presented a paper on “Situating tobacco in health policy: Using parliament as an instrument of accountability” at the 6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (8 - 12 November, 2020). She presented findings from an analysis of...

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Consultancy project with the State Anti-Tobacco Cell, Gov of Karnataka

Consultancy project with the State Anti-Tobacco Cell, Gov of Karnataka

In a project commissioned by the State Anti-Tobacco Cell (Dept Health and Family Welfare Services, GOK), Riddhi and Upendra, researchers at the DEEP project at IPH, with the help of intern Neema Joseph, historically mapped and analyzed various tobacco-related litigations in Karnataka high court in order to identify the stakeholders as well as common laws/arguments used by these stakeholders in shaping tobacco regulations in Karnataka.

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National Summit on Tobacco or Health – 2020

National Summit on Tobacco or Health – 2020

On May 29th, 2020 the National Summit was held virtually, the main theme was on “Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use” , and organised “by Resource Centre for Tobacco Control (E-RCTC), PGIMER Chandigarh in...

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Duration of project

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