WHO framework (IPCHS)

WHO framework (IPCHS)

WHO framework on Integrated people-centred health services (IPCHS) is a call for the countries to shift the way health services are funded, managed and delivered. The framework supports countries to achieve universal health coverage by shifting health systems designed around the diseases into health systems designed for the people.




Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru




11.00 Am – 12.00 pm


Institute of Public health #250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross, Girinagar Ist  Phase, Bengaluru – 560085
Niti Aayog’s state-wise health rankings: What is the message for Karnataka?

Niti Aayog’s state-wise health rankings: What is the message for Karnataka?

The Healthy states, progressive India report (HSPI report) of the Niti Aayog seeks to assess various Indian states in terms of their performance in health over time. The full report is available on the Niti Aayog website here: http://niti.gov.in/content/healthy-states-progressive-india-report-ranks-states-and-union-territories
IPH’s health equity and evaluation cluster has put together a short note for the purposes of generating discussion and debate on strengthening Karnataka’s health. This assessment is by no means a comprehensive summary of the report.
The note is available for download here: DOWNLOAD

Talk on Public Health

Talk on Public Health

Professor Wim Van Damme from the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp will have an interaction with public health researchers on March 15th from 2 pm – 3pm. He will discuss the career paths in public health research, reasons to pursue a PhD in public health (and reasons not to do so!) for the benefit of young public health researchers’.


Wim Van Damme


Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp




2.00 pm – 3.00 pm


Institute of Public health #250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross, Girinagar Ist  Phase, Bengaluru – 560085
All you need to know about #EV2018

All you need to know about #EV2018

EV 2018 timeline

EV2018 (FAQs)

What is the Emerging voices for global health?

Emerging Voices for Global Health (EV4GH) is an innovative multi-partner blended training
program for young, promising and emerging health policy & systems researchers, decision
makers and other health system actors with an interest to become influential global health
voices and/or local change makers. EV4GH coaches “Emerging Voices” to participate
actively in international conferences where global health issues are addressed and to raise
their voice in scientific and policy debates.


What is the EV4GH training?

The full EV4GH 2018 venture consists of:

  • E-coaching and distance learning in preparation of a face-to-face training (July –
    Sept 2018)
  • Face-to-face training: scientific presentation, networking and communication skills
    coaching using innovative formats, and content training & field visit to the National
    Health Service (Liverpool, end of September – 5 October 2018)
  • Young researchers (& other changemakers’) pre-conference (6 October 2018)
  • Participation in the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
    (Liverpool, 8-12 October 2018)
  • Wrap-up – focusing on Emerging ‘beyond Liverpool’ (Liverpool, 13 October 2018)
  • Membership of EV4GH network and other thematic working groups of Health
    Systems Global


Who can apply?

There will be two tracks for which participants can apply to be an EV 2018. While one track
is reserved for researchers involved in health policy and systems research, the other track
seeks to attract health professionals, activists, decision or policy-makers and/or other
health systems actors.
All applicants must have been born on or after 1 January 1978


Can I apply for both the tracks?

No! You need to choose only one track that best suits your profile


Who is eligible for track – 2?

Applicants must fulfil one of the following:

  • Be involved in a decision-making, implementation or practitioner role within health services or systems
  • Be a passionate voice for strengthening health systems within their local/national health systems in the role of activists, health journalists or patient advocates or otherwise involved in advancing health equity and social justice in their regions.


What should my application focus on?

For both tracks, special consideration will be given to people who explicitly include the political dimension of health systems and services in their work, and challenge power in whatever form, based on good evidence.


I am from a high-income country, am I still eligible to apply?

Yes! EV4GH is open to all. Focus will be on applicants from the Global South especially LMICs, but candidates from the global north can also apply (they need to have relevant field experience in the global South, though, and work on health policy & systems research in the South)


I have just enrolled for a PhD, am I still eligible to apply?

Yes! Please refer to question 6 and if you fulfil at least 2 of the points mentioned there you are eligible to apply


What is covered in the scholarship?

In case of a full scholarship the travel, accommodation and living expenses for the duration of the course is covered and participation in the Health systems global symposia from the 8 – 12 October will be covered.

In case of partial scholarships, some of the above aspects will be covered on case to case basis.

Social Health Assistance: Experience from Belgium & lessons for low or middle-income countries

Social Health Assistance: Experience from Belgium & lessons for low or middle-income countries

Social Health Assistance is one of the components of a comprehensive Social Health Protection Policy. More specifically, Prof Bart Criel would be  drawing on his  experiences with it in Belgium and from thereon identify possible lessons of it for LMIC countries.

Prof. Bart Criel is associated with the Department of Public Health at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium. His main areas of work are the study of health care delivery systems and of systems of social protection in health in low-and middle income countries.




12:00-1:00 pm


Institute of Public health

#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,

Girinagar Ist  Phase,

Bengaluru – 560085

Global Adult Tobacco Survey – Karnataka

Global Adult Tobacco Survey – Karnataka

Several tobacco control advocates joined by some of the IPH staff, honorary associates and adjunct faculties were at Vidhana Soudha (legislative assembly) on 11th January, where Deputy Speaker released the State Factsheet of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016-17). GATS is considered a robust instrument and provides comparative results with that of the GATS 2009-10. It reminded us of IPH hosting release of GATS (2009-10) inside the Vidhana Soudha.

It was a happy moment to cherish. The GATS (2015-16) factsheet, shows that in the last 7 years, the prevalence of tobacco use in Karnataka has reduced by 5.4 percentage points. This s a relative reduction of 19.1%. More importantly, there has been a reduction (to a tune of 3.1 percentage points) in the prevalence of both smoking and smokeless tobacco. The average age of initiation into tobacco use has gone up from 17.7 years to 19.8 years. Advertising/promotion of tobacco by tobacco industry has gone down substantially, while there is a significant increase in exposure of people to anti-tobacco messages. This is particularly heartening as not many states revealed encouraging results and Karnataka inspite of being a tobacco industry hub has managed to witness such a massive reduction.

While this is an outcome of several individuals and organizations including the strong political will of the state leaders, IPH’s intensive efforts (since 2009) at facilitating policy implementation and policy change is certainly an important part of this story.

For more details- click here