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EPHP 2024

EPHP 2024


5-7 September 2024


Indian Institute of Management Bengaluru, Karnataka

Last date: 7th-July-2024

The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM Bangalore), and the George Institute for Global Health with support from Health Systems Global are organising the fourth edition of “Bringing Evidence to Public Health Policy” (EPHP) from September 5th to 7th at IIM Bangalore, India.

EPHP (bringing Evidence into Public Health Policy) has served as a unique platform for promoting exchanges among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers for better population health since 2010. Each EPHP aims to contribute to informed policy and action by focusing on concepts and initiatives that can make a significant difference to health through informed policymaking.

EPHP2024 aims to advance dialogue among researchers, policymakers, and decision-makers on “Health governance, policy and institutional frameworks for just and sustainable health systems”. This theme is derived from the eighth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2024) (to be held from November 18th to 22nd in Nagasaki, Japan) but will focus on regional and national lessons in order to enhance exchange and develop lessons for reform and research in India and beyond. 

EPHP2024 seeks to explore the symposium’s sub-themes, indicated below, with the addition of a theme mutually agreed upon by the Scientific Committee:

  1. Governance and institutional frameworks for complex health systems
  2. Governance to strengthen public health & address commercial and cultural determinants
  3. Stewardship of digital transformations including AI and big data
  4. Implementation Research: Innovations in method and translation

Each of the sub themes will be converted into a half-day session. Each session will feature a keynote talk by an Indian and international speaker highlighting the global and Indian scenario on a particular sub-theme followed by a panel discussion where policy makers, implementers, community representatives, academicians and change makers will offer some solutions to fill the current gaps. In addition to these plenaries, there will be space for researchers to present their research findings on various aspects of governance through oral presentations/ posters / art / photos etc. There will also be a skill building session on the 7th September for early career researchers.

EPHP2024 is supported by a host of academic partners including the National Institute for Implementation Research on Non-Communicable Diseases (NIIR-NCD), the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp (ITM), the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), the Institute of Public Health Bengaluru (IPH), and the George Institute for Global Health, India.

Support from Health Systems Global Board Membership and Secretariat is gratefully acknowledged.

Abstract submission is open till 7 July 2024!
Click here to learn more and submit an abstract.

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Call for Application India HPSR Fellowships Programme

Call for Application India HPSR Fellowships Programme

Call for Application India HPSR Fellowships Programme

Deadline for submission of application December 1, 2020

India Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) Fellowships Programme

The Fellowships programme will equip public health researchers with the ability to frame health policy and systems research questions, design and conduct a study to address the question and engage stakeholders (community, policymakers and researchers) with the research findings.

The programme takes a blended learning approach for a duration of 18 months with an online foundation component, a week-long workshop, followed by the opportunity to implement a research proposal through a seed grant of Rs. 6 lakhs. 

National and international HPSR practitioners have been involved in the development of the programme and will be actively involved as faculty and mentors. More details

The India HPSR Fellowships Programme is supported by the Sir Ratan Tata Trust & Access Health International.

Webinar series on Strengthening the Resilience of India’s Plural Health System

Webinar series on Strengthening the Resilience of India’s Plural Health System


11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Title: Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis

The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU) – Bengaluru in collaboration with Institute of Public Health (IPH) – Bengaluru and Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharalal Neharu University (JNU) – New-Delhi

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown up challenges on multiple fronts and health systems are not exceptional. In fact, even the developed countries with better health systems struggled or struggling to cope with the burden and impact of the corona pandemic. With COVID-19, the beliefs and systems that we follow are bound to change. We should not only focus on returning to normalcy, rather, the time is more relevant now than ever to revamp and rejuvenate the Indian plural health system and seek long term sustainable solutions. In this webinar we would like to highlight the key lessons from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the way forward to build resilience of India’s plural health system.

Download the flyer here

Sixteenth webinar in the Equilogues

Sixteenth webinar in the Equilogues


3.00 PM – 5.00 PM




“Differential Experience to COVID-19 and its Control Measures in India”


  1. Md. Gufran Alam from Aman Biradari Trust (New Delhi) 
  2. Rohini Chhari from Bhoomi Gramotthan Evam Shabhagi Gramin Vikas Sanstha, Morena (Madhya Pradesh) 
  3. Lilawati Waghare from Amhi Aamchya Aarogya SathiGadhchiroli (Maharashtra) 
  4. C. Mahadeva from Zilla Budakattu Girijana Abhivruddhi Sangha 
  5. Atish Indrekar from Budhan Theatre 
  6. Dilfaraz from SAMARA
Context setting by Rakhal Gaitonde, HENI Steering Group member and Professor at  Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology, Trivandrum and one of the authors of the recent paper on BMJ Global Health titled Bridging a false dichotomy in the COVID-19 response: a ‘public health’ approach to the lockdown debate.
Moderated by Prashanth NS, HENI Secretariat member and Faculty lead at Health Equity Cluster, Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru.

“learning together” workshop-cum-webinar to collectively understand the differential effects of COVID-19 on individuals and communities. Members from underrepresented and marginalized communities will share their community’s experience of living through the pandemic and the lockdown’s impact on livelihood.

It will kindle discussions among the participants on the following key questions:
  1. What can we learn about the pandemic’s experience in particular individuals/communities/contexts?
  2. What brought about such a vulnerability in the first place?
  3. How could we mitigate the effects of such vulnerability in similar contexts?

IPH Bengaluru Annual Day Oration 2020

IPH Bengaluru Annual Day Oration 2020


Dr. Gita Sen

About Orator



Dr. Gita Sen
Founder & Member of the Executive Committee of Development Alternatives with Women.
Currently serves on the Scientific & Technical Advisory Group of WHO’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research.
Co-chair of PAHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Gender Equality and Health.
Gender & Health Scholar with Multiple academic affiliations to Indian and Global academic centers of excellence.

IPH Oration series is a public event, please feel free to disseminate the flyer among your networks – Download Flyer

Report of the Expert consultation to review the design of India Health Policy & Systems Research Fellowship Program held on 24 June 2020

Report of the Expert consultation to review the design of India Health Policy & Systems Research Fellowship Program held on 24 June 2020

Strengthening health systems requires a system thinking lens, an acknowledgement of complexity in bringing about transformational change as well as putting people at the center of change. Approaches that integrate these are often lacking due to limited capacity in public health research institutions and in the community to practice a health systems approach applying state-of-the-art public health and social science research methods. HSTP and IPH conceived the fellowship program to improve the capacity for health policy and systems research (HPSR) in India. Over the last few months, a team from both these organizations consulted Global and Indian HPSR experts to put together a draft fellowship program structure and curriculum. In June 2020, an expert consultation was held to review this early draft. Thirty HPSR practitioners from India and across the globe participated to review the program and provided their expert advice.
At the workshop, the HSTP-IPH team presented an overview and a draft curriculum of the proposed training program. All participants of the workshop were very encouraging of this initiative and reinforced the need for the training program to be contextually relevant to India. Experts advised regarding the design and structure of the course, content, teaching methods and the pedagogy of the training program.
Some of the key recommendations that emerged from the workshop include:
·        Focus on the core competencies of HPSR – Complexity, Systems Thinking and Multi-disciplinarity
·        Need for the participants to ‘unlearn’ the linear processes in their research disciplines and accept the non-linear approaches of HPSR
·        Larger and focused emphasis on policy engagement including the skills to analyze policies, conduct a stakeholder analysis and the ability to engage with policy makers.
·        Expand the content to include evaluations, secondary data analysis and evidence synthesis
·        Detail out the mentorship phase and clarify the roles of the mentors.
·        Use innovative teaching tools like Indian case studies, role play, group learning, simulations, and debates.
·        Develop collaborations with other institutions
·        Refine the process of participant selection. Researchers from different disciplines should be selected and even non researchers, including government officers, may be considered. Moving forward, the team will work with key HPSR experts and other actors in preparing a revised curriculum based on the discussions at the workshop. An action plan for the process of the redesign has been developed and includes the use of a conceptual framework consisting of key program elements, content, and pedagogy to identify the various comments and suggestions made at the workshop. The inputs from the workshop will be thematically analysed to identify categories of comments that need resolution. The team will redesign the curriculum based on this analysis across multiple levels of the proposed curriculum (content, mentorship, online teaching, and pedagogy.  Key values and core competencies will be used as guidance to resolve recommendations that may be in opposition. This redesigned plan shall then be presented to a panel of HPSR experts to further refine the final curriculum.