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Community-based monitoring of health

Community-based monitoring of health

Citation: Bhojani UM, Madhav G, State Mentoring Monitoring Group Karnataka (Narayan T, Sudarshan H, Premadas E, Basavaraju E, Prabha N, Saligram P, Oblesha KB, Karpagam S) Community-based planning & monitoring of public health services: Lessons from the South-Indian state of Karnataka, International Conference on Health Systems Strengthening, Chennai, May 2010. (more…)

Gaps and overlaps in HMIS

Citation: Bhojani UM, Prashanth NS, Devadasan N. Under reported deaths and inflated deliveries: making sense of health management information systems in India, International Conference on Health Systems Strengthening, Chennai, May 2010. (more…)

Training district health teams poster

Publication year: 2009

Publication type: Conference presentation – Poster

Conference: 21st Annual conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health

Citation: Seshadri T, Prashanth NS, Bhojani U, Devadasan N. Capacity building programme for district health team. 21st Annual conference of the Karnataka Association of Community Health, Mysore, October 2009. (more…)