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Call for application-Short Courses March-May 2014

Call for application – Short Courses March-May 2014, Department of

Pubic Health, ITM Antwerp

Short course in Health Policy For health professionals and researchers involved in health systems strengthening in low- and middle-income countries at local, national or international level 7 weeks, 24 March – 9 May 2014 Application deadline : 15 October 2013 Registration for distinct 2-weeks modules is possible Language :

English Information :

Contact : Claire Van Maerken



Short course in Strategic Management of Health Systems For professionals in health care management working in supervisory, advocacy or regulatory organisations/institutions (government and non-governmental). 7 weeks, 24 March – 9 May 2014 Application deadline : 15 October 2013 Language :

English Information :

Contact : Claire Van Maerken



Short course in Planning and Management of Tropical Disease Control Programmes For health professionals and researchers involved in disease control programmes in low- and middle-income countries 10 weeks, 3 March – 9 May 2014 Application deadline : 15 October 2013 Language :

English Information :

Contact : Marianne Hilgert


Short course in Planning and Management of Reproductive Health Programmes For health professionals and researchers involved in reproductive health programmes, including HIV/AIDS, STI, family planning or safe motherhood in low- and middle-income countries 10 weeks, 3 March – 9 May 2014 Application deadline- 15 October Language :

English Information :

Contact : Marianne Hilgert Click here for access to the online registration form. More information about the application process : how to apply

Technical Meeting

Technical Meeting




Dr. N. Devadasan was invited by the WHO HQ on 17-18 September 2013 to attend the workshop on Measuring UHC(Universal Health Coverage). This workshop was attended by experts from 14 other countries and have drafted a generic tool for measuring UHC .

PhD Programme in Public Health

The Institute of Public Health (IPH) conducts a PhD programme in public health in collaboration with the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium. The programme is a part of a long term partnership with ITM and is funded under the Belgian Government’s DGDC grant. The PhD programme is for 4 years and the focus is on research in health systems.

Juliet: We met, we supported and we lost…….& witnessed family getting dismantled?

Juliet: We met, we supported and we lost…….& witnessed family getting dismantled?

This is not the first time we are writing about Juliet….but this will be the last blog we can write for her. A Call from the team member took me back to memory lane…

When we first time met young Juliet (name changed) she was pregnant with severe anaemia and reluctant to go for check-up (Why Juliet is reluctant to visit Public Hospital? Then we supported her through the pregnancy to delivery (May be it was dead before seeing the world Not just during delivery in the hospital, also supported when she disappeared leaving nearly a month old baby at home.  We got a call from one of the community member saying the baby will not make it if you don’t do something…we were not sure what is that “SOMETHING” we could do at that time!

When we went to see the baby….the baby was malnourished, with severe dehydration and pic grandparents had decided to give the baby away! YES all they wanted was someone to look after that little boy. The sheer poverty and lack of social support can force people to take extreme steps….and added to that the substance abuse by all the elders in the family had not left space for responsibility and emotions. For the first time we witnessed whole community united to save little baby. After one month of intensive care at hospital, the baby was back in the safe hands of kind people in the orphanage.

Few months later Juliet was pregnant for the second time and she wanted to have another child! I was shocked and angry….our advice not to conceive had not helped. But this time she was taking care of herself and was going for regular check-up. “She is matured madam” said field team member. I was wondering with no family support, what will happen to her and the baby this time! What should be our role…many more questions while her baby was growing in the womb! But we didn’t have to do anything this time….Juliet was in critical care unit.

pic 2During a spat, a punch from her husband had caused head injury and she was unconscious in critical care unit and  husband in Jail. After few days of struggle, doctors gave up…caller from the other side said “sorry madam Juliet died”!

Few months ago Juliet’s mother-in-law also died and the community is requesting to leave her children in orphanage with Juliet’s baby! In less than two years we witnessed the whole family getting dismantled…Juliet’s baby in orphanage is doing very well, the only consolation we have. This is a story of one Juliet but I’m sure there are many more Juliet’s in our community who need support, guidance and a proper system to address social issues, which is lacking.


Dr Thriveni B S

Two excellent reasons to attend Colloquium 2013

Two excellent reasons to attend Colloquium 2013

The 2013 Colloquium Health systems and control of neglected diseases in Asia will be jointly organised by ITM and IPH at Bengaluru Park Plaza Hotel, November 21 through 23. Linking health systems and disease control, as the organisers explicitly do, is no coincidence but a deliberate choice of utmost importance based on “the recognition that stronger health systems can enhance the effectiveness of disease control programmes, and vice versa”. The Colloquium takes the systems-programmes tandem a step further, “investigat(ing) pragmatic ways to maximise the mutual benefits”. It thus offers researchers, policymakers and programme officers a platform to debate common challenges, to update on the state of the art of neglected diseases in terms of knowledge and practice, and to optimise the interface between disease control programmes and national health systems.

The 2013 Colloquium Health systems and control of neglected diseases in Asia is also unique in applying the widest possible – but well grounded – scope to neglected diseases. The organisers welcome all relevant contributions to better understanding and control of infectious diseases of poverty. These include the big three (HIV, TB, malaria), plus the 23 neglected tropical diseases, plus (re)emerging diseases. Indeed, there is today enough evidence to state that “infectious diseases are a proxy for poverty and disadvantage, affect populations with low visibility and little political voice, cause stigma and discrimination, impose a heavy health and economic burden, are low on many research funders’ agendas, have greater impact where health systems are weak, and burden caregivers and families”. Contributions on non-communicable diseases of poverty are also welcomed.

With sessions on the state of the art of neglected diseases in Asia, design and evaluation of disease control programmes, the role of the private sector in disease control, disease control and health systems strengthening, and disease control and social determinants of health, the 2013 Colloquium Health systems and control of neglected diseases in Asia is a firm step towards effective disease control, strengthened health systems and – hopefully – health for all in a better world.

The number of attendees is limited, so please register soon:

Juliet: We met, we supported and we lost…….& witnessed family getting dismantled?

Colloquium 2013!

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IPH is proud to host the colloquium 2013 organised jointly with the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM, Belgium). This is the third regional colloquia on Health systems and control of neglected diseases in Asia. To know more, visit our new site!


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