Patient centered care: a key dimension in quality of care

Patient centered care: a key dimension in quality of care

Patient-Centered Care (PCC) is an essential, albeit underdeveloped dimension in quality of (health) care. In this presentation, the notion of PCC is defined. The current situation in terms of PCC in LMIC is then briefly reviewed, with an important but not exclusive focus on the situation in sub-Saharan Africa (even if lack of PCC also occurs in other parts of the worlds, including HIC). A framework is presented to analyze the various obstacles in the delivery of PCC, and, eventually, a number of avenues for addressing and researching the problematic situation of PCC is LMIC’s health care systems are explored.


Prof. Bart Criel




11:00 am – 1:00 pm


Institute of Public health
#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,
Girinagar Ist  Phase,
Bengaluru – 560085

Research methods seminar series – 1

Research methods seminar series – 1

Date and Time

18 August 2017, 2.00-5.00 pm


Institute of Public health

#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,

Girinagar Ist  Phase,

Bengaluru – 560085

The seminar will focus on Mapping out the landscape of research methods in public health ranging from experimental/quasi-experimental methods to various other social science research methods and participatory methods in relation to their disciplinary underpinnings, epistemology and ontology. In a second part of the session, there will be a discussion on the typology of research questions in public health, especially within health policy and systems research, focusing on what kind of research approaches suit specific questions and why.

Towards health equity: understanding and improving health of forest-dwelling tribal communities in southern India

Towards health equity: understanding and improving health of forest-dwelling tribal communities in southern India

Date and time

14 July 2017, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM



#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,

Girinagar Ist  Phase,

Bengaluru – 560085


The seminar will focus on the objectives and study design for the research project that Prashanth is undertaking under the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Intermediate Fellowship in Clinical and Public Health. It will begin with an overview of tribal health research in India. India’s tribal population lives largely in and around thickly forested areas, which are often difficult-to-reach. Most areas with high tribal populations also have poor health and nutrition indicators. However, the poor population health outcomes in tribal communities cannot be explained by geography alone. Social determinants of health, especially various social disadvantages compound the problem of access and utilization of health services and achieving good health and nutritional status. In the interest of achieving equitable health and universal health coverage, we need to better understand the reasons for poor health among tribal populations and generate scientific explanations for the drivers of health inequalities in tribal communities. This will help design and implement evidence-based and context-specific interventions to address health inequalities of tribal populations. In this research project, we will
1. describe and analyse the extent and patterns of health inequalities among forest-dwelling tribal communities in three major tribal regions;
2. explain the underlying reasons for health inequity among tribal communities through a contextualized and empirically validated theory;
3. design and pilot an intervention to address health inequalities by tribal communities.