11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Title: Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis
The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU) – Bengaluru in collaboration with Institute of Public Health (IPH) – Bengaluru and Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharalal Neharu University (JNU) – New-Delhi
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown up challenges on multiple fronts and health systems are not exceptional. In fact, even the developed countries with better health systems struggled or struggling to cope with the burden and impact of the corona pandemic. With COVID-19, the beliefs and systems that we follow are bound to change. We should not only focus on returning to normalcy, rather, the time is more relevant now than ever to revamp and rejuvenate the Indian plural health system and seek long term sustainable solutions. In this webinar we would like to highlight the key lessons from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the way forward to build resilience of India’s plural health system.
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