e-learning Course in Public Health Management (Basic)

The e-learning course on Public Health Management (Basic), first of its kind was jointly launched by Hon’ble Minister of Health, Government of Karnataka (Karnataka Health System Reform and Development Project) and Director, ITM on 5th October 2012.

Presently, collaborating with the Government of Karnataka(Karnataka Health System Reform and Development Project), we focused on providing an online tutoring experience for 150 Block Programme Managers (BPMs) across the state of Karnataka. We share some of the testimonials of these very crucial members in our health system.

Course at a glance


24 weeks of study

Study time


9 Modules

Divided into units




Eligible for certificate

Whatsapp helpline


Training 150 block program manager’s (BPM) across state of Karnataka

Moodle mobile app


Learn on the ago

Tutor guided

We make sure to help our students to learn and grow and support them as much as possible during the course.

Course details

About this course

The e-learning course on Public Health Management (Basic), first of its kind was jointly launched by Hon’ble Minister of Health, Government of Karnataka and Director, ITM on 5th October 2012. Presently, collaborating with the Government of Karnataka, we are focused on providing an online tutoring experience for 150 Block Programme Managers (BPMs) across the state of Karnataka. To help facilitate the success of the course, we have divided the 150 BPMs into 5 groups of 30 that are managed 5 co-facilitators. We are currently in the third module of the course, with a progress rate of nearly 50%.

The course aims to introduce the participants to the Indian public health system and familiarize them with the duties and challenges faced by a healthcare manager in the public health sector. It further aims at teaching essential management skills required to be a good public health manager. The ePHM course is a tutor guided online course and English will be the medium of instruction.

Recommended Background

There is no pre-requisite to take this course, which is suitable for everyone.The e-learning course on Public Health Management (Basic) is designed for those working in the field of public health or wanting to explore a career with respect to the same.

Course syllabus
The course consists of 9 modules, all of which are compulsory. Each module spans over a period of two weeks. Keeping in mind the busy schedule of the participants, a minimum student investment time of 2 hours per week is expected for successful completion of each module.

Over a period of six months, these following topics will be covered

Module-1 : Organisation of Health Services (OHS)
The module is aimed at making people from non-health backgrounds understand health care and how it is organised, particularly in the context of rural India. It uses simple powerpoint presentations, the vehicle of a story and some reading material. We will make use of exercises at the end of the module to make clear choices available for care, barriers to care, the government services and their roles and responsibilities. A discussion forum is available to encourage students to share real life experiences.
Module-2 : National Health Mission (NHM)
The module gives an overview of the National Health Mission and the importance it has received in recent years, clearly highlighting what its goals and expected outcome are. In this module, we will explain the approaches and strategies of this NHM clearly delineating the roles and responsibilities of this target group of DPMs and BPMs along with other colleagues they need to collaborate with. The focus of this module will be on National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) component of NHM, but it will also include brief details of NUHM.
Module-3: Health Management Information System(HMIS & Evaluation)
The module explains the importance of a task that the DPMs and BPMs must undertake for good management at block and district levels. This module shall demonstrate how to calculate important indicators, and also how to understand their significance and interpret the numbers. Exercises allow for practice of the numbers and real life simulations help students to apply their skills in a given context. The discussions emanating from this help to cement the concept for the student.
Module-4 : National Health Program NHP-1 (RCH & UIP)
This is the first of the modules that goes into details of the NRHM.Identified as an important public health intervention , Reproductive and Child health issues are explained in the context of the students’ roles. In simple ways, technical terms are explained and the objectives of this programme aimed towards improving the health , particularly of pregnancy and childbirth , then child health and finally problems in particular sections of the population are highlighted. As in all the modules, exercises and discussions with the tutor help the student to apply concepts learned on the ground.
Module-5 : National Health Program NHP-2 (TB, RNTCP, HIV, NACP)
The module covers two important diseases that affect large numbers in our country and hence are important elements of the national endeavours. Both tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS  are explained clearly for the non-medical student in terms that help them understand the diseases, the programmes and their role in monitoring the diseases. In this context, the NACO and RNTCP is highlighted with the possible role that these DPM and BPM can play in understanding and interpreting the figures.
Module-6 : National Health Program NHP-3 (NVBDCP, IDSP)
This module uses mosquito borne diseases that are both long term and emerging national health problems to explain the use and methods of surveillance. The student is taken through the basics of malaria, dengue and chikungunya both in terms of the pathology and spread of the diseases and finally the indicators used to understand their incidence. From here the teaching goes on to explain surveillance in detail and how to interpret and act on figures that they may see compiled in their areas. Exercises and numerical problems simulate real life situations, and problems will assess their understanding.
Module-7 : Planning (DHAP)
This covers a critical area the students are expected to help the medical staff with, planning , particularly important activities like the annual plan. In this module the expert explains the importance of planning in the context of the health system and links it to the earlier units of policy and programmes. It makes the concept real by application to a real life situation and uses the log frame as a tool in the exercises.
Module-8 : Community Participation (CP)
This module engages the student in a very important area of public health that is often neglected in a very narrow biomedical vision of health and health care services. The need to understand what constitutes community and how they behave is stressed, with helping to identify platforms of community engagement. Finally the module helps the manager to assess the levels of engagement and highlights his or her role in these processes.
Module-9 : Financial Management (FM)
As financial management is a part of the managerial role these students play in the health services,this module takes the students through the basics of double entry book keeping , necessary to handle accounts at the level of the PHC, CHC or Taluka hospital.It further goes on to train the student in looking at a trial balance, and assessing the state of finances at a given moment.Most of the examples used to explain are from the reality of their work situation and the module uses realistic examples to see if they have understood the concepts.

Course FAQ

Course format

There will be weekly lecture videos, exercises and two short assignments.This is a basic and pragmatic course, which focuses on getting you to understand the present public health system and it’s approaches. Each module will consist of video presentations, logically divided roughly into 5-10 minute classes. The short lectures will in a nutshell present key concepts and definitions needed to be kept in mind for one who would like to explore public health management. Followed by short exercises to ensure the students have understood that week’s topic.

What can I receive for completing this course?
You will earn verified certificate.
What resources will I need for this course?
For this course, all you need is an Internet connection and a bit of time to watch videos, read, discuss, and learn.

Key Features

Tutor guided

We provide an environment for the students to learn and grow with help of constant support and guidance from our tutors.Our tutors are available to solve your queries during and after the course.

Peer learning

We believe that the more we share and discuss, the more we learn. We encourage peer to peer learning through discussion forums, hangout sessions and social media groups.

Multimedia learning

We think beyond the traditional learning methods. The critical concepts are presented in a simple, and interesting manner for effective and easy learning.


Motivation is the key to great learning. We have introduced gamification features that keep you engaged throughout the course and make your learning journey fun.