Dr.Tanya Seshadri attended the 3rd National workshop of the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana was conducted in Raipur, Chhattisgarh from May 3rd to 5th. This national workshop was organised by the Ministry of Labour & Employment and the State Nodal Agency, Chhattisgarh. This workshop brought together stakeholders from across the country to a common platform for discussion. They included State nodal agencies (SNA), Insurance companies (IC), Third party administrators (TPA), Smart card providers (SCPs), few hospitals involved & interested NGOs.

The workshop was inaugurated by the Hon. CM of Chhattisgarh and was followed by brief discussions by representatives of Ministries of Labour & Employment, and Rural development. A simple award ceremony was also conducted to recognise stakeholders for their outstanding service to the scheme in their respective field in each region.

The three day workshop had a systematic approach of presentations and discussions from past experiences and enrollment procedures to data analysis and future plans. Each topic was presented by an SNA/IC team who had been recognised for their work in that particular issue. This use of experiential learning made it easier to comprehend and interesting for all irrespective of their involvement/prior knowledge of RSBY procedure and activities. This in addition to the guidance of key facilitators ensured participation of various stakeholders in all discussions. The focus of the entire workshop appeared to be finding solutions for problems presented via discussions and consensus. Almost all participants appeared to be quite motivated and interested in proceedings of all the sessions judging by the attendance and intensity of discussions across the days.

All documents and media concerning RSBY had been compiled, written to a CD, and made available to all participants. All presentations made during the course will soon be made available on the website in a short time. Apart from the national workshop, regional state level workshops and district level workshops are also regularly conducted.

Presentations of the  RSBY workshop