Youth and Tobacco Use

This was a research study that aimed to understand the tobacco use and related factors among pre-university students in Bengaluru. Specific objectives were to (1) understand extent and pattern of tobacco use; (2) understand perceptions of tobacco and tobacco users; and (3) assess implementation of the select provision of Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA). The study used a mixed-methods approach collecting data through a survey, focus group discussions and photo documentation techniques. A total of 1087 students from 19 pre-university colleges spread across Bengaluru were studied.The study found that 33.1% of students had ever used tobacco while 7.2% of students were the current users of tobacco. More than 30% of students reported seeing their teachers using tobacco while nearly 50% of students had at least one of their family members using tobacco. In violation of the prevailing COTPA provisions, 18 out of 19 pre-university colleges had one or more tobacco selling points within 100 yards of their campus. Over 59% of minors were able to directly purchase tobacco products from vendors.This study was primarily supported through the SRTT-ISEC visiting fellowship awarded to Upendra Bhojani.

– Bhojani U. Youth and tobacco use: a monograph on perceptions, practices & policies. Bangalore: Institute of Public Health; 2013

– Bhojani U, Elias MA, Devadasan N. Adolescents’ perceptions about smoker in Karnataka, India. BMC Public Health 2011;11:563

Cluster updates

Anusthana’s protocol paper published in BMJ

Anusthana’s protocol paper published in BMJ

Dr. Pragati Hebbar together with Vivek Dsouza, Upendra Bhojani, Onno CP van Schayck, Dr. Giridhara Babu, and Gera Nagelhout co-authored a protocol paper titled “Implementation research for taking tobacco control policies to scale in India: a realist evaluation study...

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Workshop on Preventing TII (Chhattisgarh & Manipur)

Workshop on Preventing TII (Chhattisgarh & Manipur)

In two separate workshops held in December last year, Dr. Upendra Bhojani (Director, IPH-Bengaluru) was invited to serve as a resource person (virtual) on Tobacco Industry Interference (TII). The workshops were held in Chhattisgarh (16th December, 2020) and Manipur...

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India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020

India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020

Led by Dr. Upendra Bhojani and Adhip Amin from IPH, the India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020 report has been produced through a collaborative work of several institutions and individuals active in tobacco control research and practice in India. The report...

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Duration of project

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