Political Economy of Tobacco Control

This is a research study aimed at understanding the role of the State and industry in tobacco control in post-1990s India. The research objectives are to (1) map public policies related to tobacco in this time period; (2) understand associations between policies and tobacco markets; (3) understand state and industry response to tobacco control policies; and (4) identifying regulatory scenarios that lead to significant reduction in tobacco use prevalence. It is a mixed-methods study that analyses a historical period through a range of techniques including interviews, documentary analysis, historiography, case studies.
This study is supported by the India Alliance mid-career clinical and public health fellowship awarded to Upendra Bhojani
Cluster updates
IPH participates in a tobacco control stakeholders meeting called by the state government
State Anti tobacco cell, Government of Karnataka had conducted a coalition meeting of all private stakeholders organisation working on tobacco control measures on 22nd April 2019 at Health Directorate. Dr Jagadish Joint Director - Medical , Dr Selvarajan Deputy...
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
The fourth edition of the 'National Conference on Tobacco or Health' concluded recently in Mumbai (8-10 February 2019). It saw a range of stakeholders across Indian states coming together in what the conference's organizing secretary described as the "Kumbh Mela" of...
A round-table discussion on preliminary findings of the Saferroads Bengaluru study
A round-table discussion was organized in city on 27th Feb, 2019 by Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru with the support of AXA Business Services under the banner of ‘Safer roads Bengaluru’ initiative. This was organised to discuss the issues pertaining to the...
Global Tobacco Meet
The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the World’s first ever global treaty on health.
Unpacking Interventions
Dr. Pragati Hebbar will be presenting a seminar on the topic ‘Unpacking implementation’.
As part of her early career Wellcome trust/ DBT India Alliance fellowship she is undertaking an ‘Implementation research for taking tobacco control policy interventions to scale in India.’ One of the first steps in this endeavour is to unpack ‘implementation’ and related concepts / models / theories / frameworks and define it for this project purpose. Through this seminar she would like to share her readings and thoughts on the topic of implementation and garner feedback into how she has situated the same in her work.
IPH observes National road safety week – 2019
Awareness activities on road safety by the Institute of Public Health and Padmashree school of public health under the initiative of 'SAFER ROADS BENGALURU' at Hebbal Junction Institute of Public Health under the banner of 'SAFER ROADS BENGALURU' initiative in...