Political Economy of Tobacco Control | Page 6 of 0 | Institute of Public Health Bengaluru

Political Economy of Tobacco Control

This is a research study aimed at understanding the role of the State and industry in tobacco control in post-1990s India. The research objectives are to (1) map public policies related to tobacco in this time period; (2) understand associations between policies and tobacco markets; (3) understand state and industry response to tobacco control policies; and (4) identifying regulatory scenarios that lead to significant reduction in tobacco use prevalence. It is a mixed-methods study that analyses a historical period through a range of techniques including interviews, documentary analysis, historiography, case studies.  

This study is supported by the India Alliance mid-career clinical and public health fellowship awarded to Upendra Bhojani

Cluster updates

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Policy Roundtable: Urban Health Governance in India

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Video on “Tobacco-Free Generation”

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World No Tobacco Day 2019

World No Tobacco Day 2019

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Duration of project

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