Health-in All Policy and Tobacco Control

This project aimed at examining how different sectors, beyond health, and their sectoral policies have historically shaped tobacco control in India. Apart from sectoral policies, we also tracked how judicial activism and various litigations have impacted tobacco control in India. We looked at the published and grey literature, including litigations and did document analysis. This work was primarily funded by the Institute of Public Health.

– Bhojani U, Soors W. Tobacco control in India: a case for Health-in-All Policy approach. National Medical Journal of India 2015;28(2):86-89

– Bhojani U, Hebbar P, Rao V, Shah V. Litigation for claiming health rights: insights from tobacco control. Health and Human Rights 2014

– Bhojani U. Health in All Policies: case of tobacco control in India – oral presentation at The Colloquium 2013

Cluster updates

Poster presentation at GCIS, Dhaka

Poster presentation at GCIS, Dhaka

Dr. Pragati Hebbar presenting her research poster at GCIS, Dhaka Centre of Excellence for Science of Implementation and Scale-up (CoE-SISU), BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health at BRAC University and UNICEF Bangladesh hosted a Global Conference on...

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World No Tobacco Day 2019

World No Tobacco Day 2019

Dr. Upendra Bhojani was invited to participate in a National Consultation on Tobacco and Lung Health organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) country office in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in New...

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National Conference on Tobacco or Health

National Conference on Tobacco or Health

The fourth edition of the 'National Conference on Tobacco or Health' concluded recently in Mumbai (8-10 February 2019). It saw a range of stakeholders across Indian states coming together in what the conference's organizing secretary described as the "Kumbh Mela" of...

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Duration of project

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