Health-in All Policy and Tobacco Control

This project aimed at examining how different sectors, beyond health, and their sectoral policies have historically shaped tobacco control in India. Apart from sectoral policies, we also tracked how judicial activism and various litigations have impacted tobacco control in India. We looked at the published and grey literature, including litigations and did document analysis. This work was primarily funded by the Institute of Public Health.

– Bhojani U, Soors W. Tobacco control in India: a case for Health-in-All Policy approach. National Medical Journal of India 2015;28(2):86-89

– Bhojani U, Hebbar P, Rao V, Shah V. Litigation for claiming health rights: insights from tobacco control. Health and Human Rights 2014

– Bhojani U. Health in All Policies: case of tobacco control in India – oral presentation at The Colloquium 2013

Cluster updates

Workshop on Preventing TII (Chhattisgarh & Manipur)

Workshop on Preventing TII (Chhattisgarh & Manipur)

In two separate workshops held in December last year, Dr. Upendra Bhojani (Director, IPH-Bengaluru) was invited to serve as a resource person (virtual) on Tobacco Industry Interference (TII). The workshops were held in Chhattisgarh (16th December, 2020) and Manipur...

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India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020

India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020

Led by Dr. Upendra Bhojani and Adhip Amin from IPH, the India Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020 report has been produced through a collaborative work of several institutions and individuals active in tobacco control research and practice in India. The report...

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6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Amiti Varma from the DEEP project presented a paper on “Situating tobacco in health policy: Using parliament as an instrument of accountability” at the 6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (8 - 12 November, 2020). She presented findings from an analysis of...

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Duration of project

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