Health-in All Policy and NCDs

This project aimed to conduct a rapid health impact assessment of the four non-health portfolios of the Government of India (Ministry of Rural Development; Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Ministry of Food Processing Industries; and Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change) with regard to their impact on the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their risk factors (esp. tobacco use, excessive use of alcohol; unhealthy diet, inadequate physical activity and air pollution). We used a scoping review of the literature and conducted interviews with the ministry officials and representatives of the affected communities. This exercise was commissioned to aid in the processes initiated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare towards framing and operationalizing the multisectoral action plan for prevention and control of NCDs in India. There was a follow-up to this assignment and IPH was further requested to develop consolidated policy briefs on how specific ministry policies impact NCDs and its risk factors as well as the potential areas of convergence. IPH developed such briefs for 12 ministries of the Government of India.

This work was commissioned and supported by the World Health Organization (India) office.

Cluster updates

SARC-CCT in Sri Lanka

SARC-CCT in Sri Lanka

Panelists Dr. Mary Assunta & Dr. Upendra Bhojani. Image credit: SARC-CCT The University of Colombo works systematically on tobacco control and was established as a tobacco observatory Sri Lanka in 2016. Recently, this observatory was expanded to the South Asia...

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Policy Roundtable: Urban Health Governance in India

Policy Roundtable: Urban Health Governance in India

Image credit: Observer Research Foundation Dr. Upendra Bhojani, India Alliance Fellow and Director at IPH, was invited to participate in a Roundtable discussion hosted by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and World Health Organization, India in Delhi on the 26th July...

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Video on “Tobacco-Free Generation”

Video on “Tobacco-Free Generation”

"Tobacco-free generation" is a proposal wherein children born after a certain year grow up in tobacco free environments, with legislation in place restricting exposure, sale and use of tobacco for that generation. This is potentially a very powerful intervention, that...

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routine dental practice

routine dental practice

The MPOWER package is a package introduced by WHO, comprising of six measures to assist in country-level implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. One of the six components of the MPOWER package is “Offer help to quit tobacco use.” Often,...

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India Alliance Fellows Meet 2019

India Alliance Fellows Meet 2019

IPH Faculty and Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance research fellows Upendra Bhojani and Pragati Hebbar attended the 9th Annual Fellows' Meet in Bengaluru from June 13 - 15th 2019. The annual fellows meet serves as a platform to bring together India Alliance Fellows and...

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Duration of project

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