Chronic Conditions and Non-Communicable Diseases

Chronic conditions are the long-term health issues/problems that require ongoing management over a period of years or decades. They include chronic non-communicable diseases but also some communicable diseases and conditions (like disabilities) that lasts longer. Chronic conditions are on rise globally and in India, where it has become a leading cause of deaths and disabilities. The underlying reasons for this range from various socio-demographic changes in population, to changing environments, lifestyles, urbanisation and climate change.

Responding to chronic conditions requires an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral engagement. The cluster on chronic conditions and non-communicable diseases seeks to expand our understanding of chronic conditions and how best to respond to prevention and management needs. The prevailing work at the cluster focuses on a range of thematic areas that include, strengthening health systems in rural districts and urban settings; public policy and regulations, especially in areas of tobacco control and road safety; and intersectoral actions for prevention and control of chronic conditions.


  1. Strengthening rural health systems
  2. Strengthening urban health systems
  3. Tobacco Control
  4. Road safety
  5. Intersectoral actions for health



  1. Enhancing care for urban poor living with chronic conditions: role of local health systems
  2. Improving access to medicines for non-communicable diseases in rural India: a mixed methods study protocol using quasi-experimental design
  3. Importance of Diet in Managing NCD’s
  4. Intervening in the local health system to improve diabetes care: lessons from a health service experiment in a poor urban neighborhood in India
  5. Tobacco control in India: A case for the Health-in-All Policy approach
  6. The rising burden of chronic conditions among urban poor: a three-year follow-up survey in Bengaluru, India
  7. Litigation for Claiming Health Rights: Insights from Tobacco Control
  8. Tobacco or a job?
  9. Television as a public health awareness tool to reduce tobacco use: Are we doing enough in India?.eSocial Sciences journal, 2014.
  10. Challenging Ties between State and Tobacco Industry : Advocacy Lessons from India
  11. Constraints faced by urban poor in managing diabetes care: patients’ perspectives from South India.
  12. No longer diseases of the wealthy: prevalence and health-seeking for self-reported chronic conditions among urban poor in Southern India.
  13. She is not an Indian cultured woman”: Youth perceptions about smokers in South India
  14. Understanding factors at household level affecting access to diabetes care: Study from urban south India
  15. Challenging the conflict of interest for tobacco control: Advocacy lessons from India
  16. Out-of-pocket healthcare payments on chronic conditions impoverish urban poor in Bangalore, India
  17. Challenges in organizing quality diabetes care for the urban poor : a local health system perspective
  18. Health system obstacles in the delivery of quality care to People With Chronic Diseases (PWCD): a case study from urban India.
  19. India: Code of conduct on dealings with tobacco industry
  20. “Indian”Hub”on”Health”System”(IHHS),” and”hub”on”Research”and”Action”on”Chronic”Conditions”in” Asia”(ReACh”Asia)
  21. Tobacco use and related factors among South-Indian metropolis
  22. Media Pack: A bunch of six fact sheets on various aspects of tobacco control developed in collaboration with the District Anti Tobacco Cell Bangalore.
  23. Tobacco use and related factors among pre-university students in a college in Bangalore, India
  24. Education Pack: A toolkit for teachers to raise awareness on tobacco related issues among students at school level.
  25. What to do with the epidemic of diabetes – a health systems response


Upendra Bhojani

Project Lead

Dorothy Lall

Pragati B Hebbar

N Devadasan

Prashanth N S

Vishal Rao

Thriveni B S

Manoj Kumar Pati

Praveen Kumar M Aivalli

John Kennedy

Chandrashekar Kottagi

Neethi V Rao

Maya Anni Elias

Bheemaray V M

Santosh Sogal

B L Himabindu

Strengthening rural health systems

Strengthening urban health systems

Tobacco control


Intersectoral actions


Road safety