bpm article


In a collaborative effort, Jeroen De Man (Institute of Tropical Medicine) and Bheemaray Manganavar (Institute of Public Health) took under the loop the Block Programme Managers in Karnataka, supported by Arupa Das, Bart Criel, and N. Devadasan, they recently published their findings under the title:  “The Profile and Job Perceptions of Block Programme Managers in Karnataka”.



To understand BPMs profile, their roles and responsibilities as well as their performance


This descriptive study provides first insights on who BPMs are, what they do, and what they perceive as barriers to their well-functioning. Data were collected through a semi-structured and self-administered questionnaire from 117 BPMs of Karnataka. Seventy four percent of the contacted BPMs responded.


Their average age was 30.4 years, 85% was male, and 88.8% had a Master in Business Administration. Self-reported performance and perceived ability is high. BPMs report low salary, lack of cooperation from higher level and field staff, lack of training, lack of logistic support and lack of authority as important barriers to their work.


This study suggests that the BPMs require capacity building and supportive supervision with regular feedback to improve their performance. We encourage more research on this important element of NRHM.
To know more about article titled,” The Profile and Job Perceptions of Block Programme Managers in Karnataka” Click here