Patient-Centered Care (PCC) is an essential, albeit underdeveloped dimension in quality of (health) care. In this presentation, the notion of PCC is defined. The current situation in terms of PCC in LMIC is then briefly reviewed, with an important but not exclusive focus on the situation in sub-Saharan Africa (even if lack of PCC also occurs in other parts of the worlds, including HIC). A framework is presented to analyze the various obstacles in the delivery of PCC, and, eventually, a number of avenues for addressing and researching the problematic situation of PCC is LMIC’s health care systems are explored.
Prof. Bart Criel
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Institute of Public health
#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,
Girinagar Ist Phase,
Bengaluru – 560085