Realist and Implementation Research Action Lab [Hosa Jeevana/One all(CTRITH WP-1)]
Duration of project
(2021 to 2026)
The Hosa Jeevana (New Life) program is a deaddiction intervention for a tribal setting with a clinic component based out of an NGO hospital for screening and follow up, a facility based component based out of referrals to the district medical college and other tertiary healthcare centers for specialised inpatient care and a community based component run by the community health worker and research fellow to work and follow up with patients and stakeholders in the Adivasi areas in the forest and surrounding regions and co-produce a community led intervention with them to bring a ‘Model Podu’ that can function as a support system for persons willing to leave harmful use of alcohol and tobacco. This project falls in the Work Package #1, Realist and Implementation research Action Lab.
The clinic-based component of the Hosa Jeevana program functions out of the Vivekanand Tribal Health Center at the Vivekananda Girijana Kalyan Kendra, B. R. Hills, Chamarajanagar district on Friday mornings. The clinic consists of medical officer, medical interns, staff nurses, community health worker and research fellow. The clinic team liaisons with the District Mental Health Programme team in Chamarajanagar district for their patients to follow up for consultation services and medications in the taluk level.
The facility based component of the Hosa Jeevana program functions as referral services to the Chamarajanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), the district medical college hospital and National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Bengaluru for specialised consultation and inpatient services.
The community based component currently functions with house visits to follow up with patient and families to maintain therapeutic rapport with the clinic team and supporting for medical adherence and psychosocial interventions.
The Hosa Jeevana (New Life) project is based on a protocol created to design, implement and evaluate a small scale intervention to improve healthcare for Adivasi populations in relation to harmful use of alcohol and tobacco. under the Center for Training, Research and Innovation in Tribal Health. The duration of the project is till September 2026.
Prashanth N. S (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Sabu K. U (Post Doctoral Fellow)
Alen Chandy Alexander (Clinical Research Training Fellow)
Ramyashree T. S. (Research Associate)
Nanjegowda (Community Health Worker)
DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance
NIMHANS, CIMS, DMHP Chamarajanagar, National Tobacco Control Programme Chamarajanagar
In the latest Work Package #1 planning meeting, the team finalised the protocol to initiate the co-production activity with the concerned stakeholders to develop a Model Podu that can function as a support system for persons willing to leave harmful use of alcohol and tobacco.
An MoU between IPH, Bengaluru and National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Bengaluru was made to support our institutional works in interest of tribal and CTRITH Work Package 1 goals.
Similarly, there are ongoing deliberations with Chamarajanagar District Mental Health Programme team & Director of Chamarajanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), to collaborate in interest of tribal health. As a result an agreement was made for an MoU between IPH, Bengaluru and CIMS.
Primary meetings with Department of Psychiatry, Mysore Medical College have been initiated to facilitate in-patient care for adivasi persons with mental health issues from Chamarajanagar and Mysuru as well.
This project is component of Work Package #1, Realist and Implementation research Action Lab. One-all is a three-year intervention, that uses the game of Ultimate frisbee, additionally layered with a curriculum to develop core life skills, aimed at improving resilience and mental health as outcomes. The sessions facilitated by young people from the community who are inducted through a rigorous training programme of three to five months’ length. The facilitators are equipped to adapt the intervention to provide the programme in a culturally, relevant and appropriate form. As of now, 110 participants have enrolled for the frisbee sessions. Research involves, participants of age 14-24, The implementation is done through the week except for Thursday and Friday.
One-all targets to provide the undermentioned skills to achieve the mentioned Goals and Skills:
- Self-management
- Social awareness
- Relationship skills
- Identity building
- Understanding feelings
- Conflict resolution
- Empathy building
- Nurturing interpersonal relationships
- Awareness about gender stereotypes
The One-All project is based on a protocol created to design, implement and evaluate a small-scale intervention to improve mental health resilience for Adivasi youth populations through sports.
Team lead – Dr. Prashanth N. S.
Principal Investigator – Dr. Vishwajith
Co-PI – Varadarajan Srinivasan
Post Doctoral Fellow – Dr. Sabu K. U.
Research Associate – Ramyashree T. S.
Facilitators BR Hills- Arun Kumar (Facilitator Trainer), Shekhar, Nagendra, Bhagya, Kavitha & Siddamma
Facilitators Kollegala- Nanja, Basavaraju
DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance
Association for Health Welfare in the Nilgiris (ASHWINI), Gudalur
The One All program has been extended from B R Hills region to the Kollegal region. Two facilitators have joined and received training to start sessions in Kollegal.