“Good presentation is very important and I apply this concept”. This is said by one laboratory technician working in a Primary Health Center (PHC). He believes that if he provides his laboratory services in a presentable way, he can earn the trust of the people. “People will come to me and they will not go to private laboratory unnecessarily where they have to pay more for the same kindof laboratory test which I can provide them free of cost”
This he is doing by simply giving the laboratory test report in a format developed by him and using the print copy of that to give report of the patients. Simple thing can make differences. He developed separate format for ANC and separate for other general laboratory test.
He is keeping all daily and monthly chart update. Well maintained registered. Neat and clean laboratory.
While talking to him and observing all these, immediately in my mind I was relating him to my recent experience with private hospitals recording system during my father’s checkup where they gave all medical records of my father in a folder and also while my friend was admitted in a hospital, nurse was visiting her after every two hours, checking her BP, temperature and putting it down in a diagnosis sheet. That time I was impressed and felt good and was thinking why these kinds of services are not available in Government health facilities.
And now when I am relating my experience with this, I am wondering if he is having the knowledge of importance of “good presentation” or good patient documentation. Why not other has this knowledge? Are they do not know its importance and how it will benefit them? Why cannot do they do their bit like him? Is it due to they need training on it? Or they are over burden?
Anyway, I personally realized and learned from him that if I can do my bit by presenting my research work or field experience in a presentable way (through blog, article etc) and share, it can benefit the society to a large extent and also to me