About workshop
Institute of Tropical Medicine (Belgium) in collaboration with Institute of Public Health (India) organised 2nd edition of e-Learning Workshop on Distance/Blended Learning titled “Get Started, Keep Moving”.
With advances in telecommunications and computer technology, new modalities have arisen to enhance education to anyone, anyplace, at any time, using digital and online media. Distance and blended learning have greatly grown in the last decade offering the opportunity to bridge cross boarders students, introducing new challenges in the learning landscape.
- To share the knowledge that we have gained
- Build a small community among our partners, who are passionate about e-learning
Goal of the workshop:
- To go through the planning, design, and implementation process of creating distance or blended learning modules
- Provide an opportunity to be familiar with a variety of distance/blended “formats”
- Be acquainted with e-facilitation and e-assessment tools
- Generate online materials from an initial raw project during the workshop.
Purpose of the workshop:
The purpose of the workshop is to take the participants through planning, design and implementation process of creating distance or blended learning modules. It provides participants opportunities to be:
- Familiar with a variety of distance/blended “formats”;
- Acquainted with e-facilitation and e-assessment tools
- To create teaching/learning materials for participants’ own e-learning projects.
About Participants
To ensure a good and productive learning from the workshop, the participants come in pairs from their respective organisations. The pair includes a subject-matter expert who plans to deliver educational topics in either blended or distance learning format with an ICT specialist/e-facilitator who will work closely with the content expert.
University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa
- Abigiail Ziyanda Mwanda
- Beauty Queeneth Nondumiso Ncube
University of Gondar in Ethiopia
- Binyam Chakilu Tilahun
- Ermias Diro Ejara
B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences , Dharan, Nepal
- Jyotsna Rimal
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Indonesia
- Noviarina Kurniawati
- Myrtana Pusparisti
National Public Health School, Morocco
- Bouchra Assarag
- Youssef kadiri
Medical Research Council Unit in The Gambia
Veterinary Science in South Africa
- El-Marie Mostert
- Johannes Petrus Schoeman
- Alexandre DELAMOU
Workshop Timeline

Carlos Kiyan – Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
Carlos Kiyan, M.D., has worked at the Institute of Tropical Medicine as a technical assistant since 2006, and has been involved in telemedicine and eLearning projects since 2001. During this coordination at Enlace Hispano Americano de Salud (EHAS), the project won three awards: Ashden Award 2003, Stockholm challenge 2004 and Abbot 2005. Recently he has won the Brandon Hall Gold Award 2010 and Best Academic Course at eLearning Guild in the USA. He is mainly interested in understanding and applying different pedagogical approaches and technological options to enhance the learning process and empower people
Diljith K – Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru
My passion in eLearning is very simple. It’s about creating the best learning experience for the students. Currently I am focusing on creating lightweight tools & frameworks to implement gamification in eLearning. In IPH I am part of the training team. Working towards the smooth function of the eLearning activity in the institute by creating systems, tools, processes, workflow etc, to improve the course functionality. It’s not just about running an eLearning course. For us it’s about creating the best experience for the students and create sense of community among the participant. We go beyond our routine to help our students learn and better perform as a person
Harish H N– Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru
I’m from an IT background and I’m part of Training team at Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru. I’m working as an LMS Admin and as well as IT officer, from past one year. I’m very passionate in e‐learning.
Ildikó Bokros – Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
Communication, Digital Media & ELearning at the Department of Public Health (DPH). The DPH researches health, epidemiology and control of diseases at the level of entire populations. Ildikó is responsible for internal (and online) communication within the department, with special attention to managing the departmental blog and websites that feature the projects of the scientific staff. The DPH also houses the Master of Science in Public Health degree program, along with numerous postgraduate and short courses in the field of tropical medicine. Ildikó’s involvement in education and training is twofold: on the one hand it entails supporting the scientific staff and the students in the use of social media tools and providing coaching in giving presentations; on the other hand she oversees the virtual learning environment (Moodle) of the Department and develops eLearning material. Last but not least, she is a proud member of the ITM choir.
Jan Kennis– Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
I studied Biology at the University of Hasselt and Antwerp and earned my PhD at the latter, based on results from extensive fieldwork in the DRCongo (Kisangani). I have been involved since 2010 in a project of digitization in Congolese Universities and involved in several aspects of the project. I also have experience in managing both development cooperation projects (for NGOs and the University Development Cooperation at VLIR-UOS and ARES) as well as a university curriculum (MsC in Biodiversity at the University of Kisangani, DRC). I have extensive experience in teaching a broad range of topics both in Belgium as well as in DRC, such as research methodology, ICT-related skills, basic statistics, biodiversity and bio-ethics. I believe innovation and technology can help enhance education and management at all levels.
Lai Jiang – Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
I studied Educational Science and earned my PhD in the field of instructional design at KULeuven in Belgium. Currently I work as the academic coordinator of LINQED, which is a Belgian Cooperation Development agency funded educational network. With the aim of improving postgraduate training in human and animal tropical medicine, public health and international health, I translate theoretical information into didactic learning materials for high quality teacher training, design and deliver face-to-face international workshops/training for international audiences; facilitate professionals who teaching various subjects to design high quality online or f-t-f courses for their students; monitor and evaluate post-graduate programmes.
Maria Zolfo – Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
She trained in Tropical Diseases at Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp. In 1998 and worked from 1999 until 2003 for an international organization (Medicus Mundi Belgium) in Zimbabwe. Since 2003, she has worked at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, in the HIV/AIDS unit, overseas subunit, responsible for the Telemedicine project, which provides remote‐based advice on HIV/AIDS care to colleagues working in low resource settings. She is particularly interested in the topic of AIDS care in resource‐limited settings, PMTCT, PEP, resistance and second-line ARVs, remote consultations, and distance learning”.
Mieke Stevens – Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
I studied Biomedical Sciences and obtained a PhD in Veterinary Sciences at Ghent University, Belgium. After a postdoc at the of Animal Science department of the University of Missouri I started working as departmental education coordinator at the department of Biomedical Sciences (BMS). I am coordinating the Master of Science in Tropical Animal Health which is since January 2016 a collaborative degree program of ITM and the University of Pretoria. The MSTAH is offered in a blended format of face-to-face and online learning activities. Additionally, I also provide support for the short course in Molecular Epidemiology of infectious diseases and other education projects at the department. I have always been passionate about STEM education and innovation of educational methods such as the use of technology to improve learning experiences for students.
Niels Frederickx – Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
Niels Frederickx has worked at the Institute of Tropical Medicine as a technical assistant since 2009, and has technical IT experience since 2004. Obtained a degree for Technical Support and server maintenance. Currently providing server support at ITM for Moodle and WordPress servers and providing first and second line technical support for both OSX and Windows. Taking care of user management and maintaining and upgrading Moodle server”.
Samantha Lobbo – Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru
I am budding dental public health graduate from The University of New South Wales, Australia whose key area of interest is community health education and promotion. Currently, I work as part of the training team where my main role focuses on instructional design and content development for online courses at the institute.
Event Details
Venue: Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium
Date: 19th – 23rd September, 2016