Dr. Sarin N.S. has completed his graduation in Ayurveda and has been a clinical practitioner for over 8 years. He has subsequently done his Masters in Public Health and had been working as a Public Health researcher for the past 8 years.
He is registered at The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU) and he is being guided by Dr. Prashanth N S (Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru) and Dr. Unnikrishnan P.M. (Co-Supervisor), Prof. Sara Van Belle (Co-Supervisor).
Critically analyzing the state-specific mainstreaming of Ayurveda for health service delivery– A case study of Kerala and Maharashtra
In April 2005, the Government of India officially launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) to provide effective healthcare to the rural populations throughout the country and to undertake architectural correction of the health system. Revitalization of Local Health Traditions and Mainstreaming AYUSH was mentioned as a goal and a supplementary strategy of the mission. From a health systems perspective, governance would be a critical element for the successful implementation of this AYUSH mainstreaming effort. However as has been documented across policy documents and performance reports, issues of governance have led to operational challenges on the ground. This study will look into how state governments have organized primary health services delivery in response to the policy directives for mainstreaming Ayurveda post- NHM.