Comprehensive Tobacco Control Karnataka
Duration of project
(2012 to 2017)
By early 2017, the project covered 24 districts. Based on the data generated by various government departments, these 24 districts achieved a high level of enforcement and compliance with COTPA. As part of the process, we worked with 11 government departments and trained over 4000 officers, mainly from the police and education departments. During the project duration, we also engaged in demanding newer and effective tobacco control policies (e.g. ban on Gutka and smokeless tobacco products, high taxation on tobacco products) and stricter implementation of existing policies. The comparison between the two rounds of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India) along with other partners reveal that between 2009-10 and 2016-17, the prevalence of the current tobacco use in Karnataka reduced from 28.2% to 22.8% – meaning there were about 9 lakh fewer tobacco users in 2016-17 compared to seven years ago. The prevalence of exposure to second-hand smoke (passive smoking) also reduced from 37.2% in 2009-10 to 23.9% in 2016-17.
This project was primarily supported through grants from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
– Hebbar PB, Bhojani U, Kennedy J, Rao V. From policy to practice: lessons from Karnataka about implementation of tobacco control laws. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2017;42(2):77-80