Institute of Public Health Bengaluru in association with Department of Commerce, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and Prasanna School of Public Health, Manipal conducted a half a day workshop on Commercial Determinants of Health (CDOH) to faculty and students on January 17, 2025. Dr. Cherian Varghese– Director, PSPH Dr. Sandeep Shenoy– HoD, Department of Commerce, MAHE and Dr. Upendra Bhojani, Senior Fellow, Institute of Public Health Bengaluru inaugurated the workshop. The workshop was attended by various senior faculties and students. 

Chief Guest Dr. Cherian Varghese, Director, PSPH addressed the workshop and explained briefly the influence that commercial entities have on public health. Dr. Sandeep Shenoy, HoD- Department of Commerce highlighted importance of collaborative work in addressing commercial determinants of health. 

Dr. Upendra Bhojani, Senior Fellow, IPH Bengaluru and Senior Fellow India Alliance DBT/Wellcome Trust introduced the CDOH concept to the participants. He explained that the definition of CDOH has evolved over time. The fact that commercial entities shaping public health, both positively and negatively, was stressed in particular during the course of workshop. 

The participants were engaged in group work after introduction on CDOH. In the group work teams were asked to come up with research questions pertaining to various public health issues and CDOH. 5 teams presented various research questions, that could potentially become used as research on CDOH.