National AIDS Control Program (BPM-DPM training)
Amrutha, a faculty at IPH facilitated a session on ‘National AIDS Control Program’ on 26th of March 2012 for the Block Program Mangers
The session started with an activity in which participants were given questions related to HIV & AIDS to ponder over. The discussion that followed bought the understanding that participants had about HIV/AIDS, associated misconceptions and attitude towards the issue. Further to this discussion the facilitator elaborated on HIV and AIDS, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, stages, transmission of infection, difference between HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, methods of prevention and available treatment and care. The session then focused on the National AIDS Control Program, elaborating on its evolution, objectives, strategies and activities under it. The session ended with a discussion on the role of BPM under the program
Tobacco Control
Awareness to Action through Multi-Channel Advocacy for Effective Tobacco Control” in Karnataka. This project is funded through Bloomberg Initiative for tobacco control project of HRIDAY (Health Related Information and Dissemination Among Youth) and is simultaneously done in other four Indian states by different agencies.
In Karnataka, IPH is working in collaboration with Gramin Shikshan Charity Foundation to implement the project in five intervention and two control districts. Project aims to advocate for and build capacity of district level law enforcement officers and NGOs for effective tobacco control.
Various activities including state and district level need assessment (of govt officers and NGOs) and pre-compliance monitoring exercises have been undertaken. There will be district level training workshops and various advocacy activities before we do post-compliance monitoring exercises.
Health Systems and Policy Research
- As of 31st of December 2010, we had trained 82 people. However, only 23 completed 10 and more modules and were given certificates at a function organised by the government. The rest of the participants have been given the opportunity to attend catch up classes and complete the course. Three of the participants have been recommended for the MPH course at ITM – Antwerp. They have got admission and are awaiting news about scholarships.
- A total of 89 primary health centre medical officers from the district were trained in public health management.
Other activities under the project
The training for PHC medical officers of Tumkur district was undertaken to strengthen their managerial capacities. The objectives of the training were to provide them the principles of public health and PHC management, to enhance their understanding of the varied administrative and financial procedures, to present them with soft skills like leadership, motivation and team work, and to assist them in understanding the importance of monitoring their work.
Starting from November 2010, four training sessions were conducted till March 201. Each training session lasted for three days. An innovation was that some of these sessions were facilitated by the participants of the district level trainees.