Maastricht University students – Exposure visit to India
The Institute of public health hosted a group of 10 Maastricht University students on an Exposure visit to India program.
The students were participants of the Honours International program at Maastricht university.
The 3 week program from July 11 – July 28 2011 focused on exposing the students to the health system of the country.
The program was directed to equip students with better skills, knowledge and practices about inter country public health sceneries with special focus on the differences between multiple health care systems and also the regional and cultural perspectives.The prime component of the program were exposure to field visits. The students were also provided with theoretical framework/background to link the observations made in the field, much better.
The main topics covered under the program were health care system in India, social determinants of health, communicable and non communicable diseases, child and maternal health care in India, health service organisation, community health and health care financing in India.