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Urban health team to CMC vellore

Urban health team to CMC vellore

Seven team members from Urban Health project, visited health facilities and community-based outreach activities of Christian Medical College, Vellore

From 25-29 April 2011.

The team’s visit was coordinated by Urban Low Cost Effective Care Unit (ULCECU) of CMC that provides quality secondary care to a defined urban poor neighborhood in Vellore, called the ?Old city


The trip included

  1. Exposure to waste management practice (for CMC health facilities and staff residences) that segregate waste and employ best practices like recycling, vermi-composting and reselling of waste.
  2. Exposure to life skills education for adolescents
  3. A visit to the rehabilitation institute
  4. Field visits to understand the community and their interactions with community health and rehabilitation (CHAR) volunteers.
  5. The sharing of experiences and ideas on community-based health activities in the urban context led to mutual learning and culmination of new ideas and enthusiasm. Many thanks to staff at ULCECU and of course community volunteers with selfless service and inspiring tales.

View photos of the the visit

Urban health team to CMC vellore


[stextbox id=”info”]IPH team in Hanoi

From : 28th March 2011
To       : 01 April 2011

To discuss the phase one  findings and to plan for phase Two [/stextbox]

EU Mission in Chhattisgarh

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Dr N.Devadasan was in Chhattisgarh from 7th to 12th on a mission for the European Commission to help the Chhattisgarh Health Services.

He had the opportunity to interview the health secretary, Director – health services, the SHSRC team and the GTZ Team.
