BPM & DPM training (Tumkur) – Vector borne disease control training

Dr. Ravi Kumar, the expert on Vector Borne disease control from Regional office for Health & Family welfare, Karnataka was invited to facilitate a training session on ‘ National Vector Borne Disease Control program’ on 20/12/2011 for the block and district program managers of Tumkur.

The session while primarily focused on the basics of vector borne disease, it also stressed on understanding interpreting health data, identifying gaps in the current data and ways to improve vector borne disease surveillance and intervention. To improve the effectiveness of the session, he had invited and had involved the District Malaria officer and Malaria Inspectors as well. It helped the participants procure a better understanding of their role in disease control. The session ended with a photo display of the vector and malaria control strategies.

2nd global meeting of Health Inc consortium at Dakar

2nd global meeting of Health Inc consortium at Dakar

The second global meeting of the Health Inc project was held in Senegal between 9th and 11th November. This meeting was hosted by the Centre de Recherché sur les Politiques Sociales (CREPOS – Research Centre for Political and Social Science) in the capital city of Dakar. All partners of the Health Inc consortium attended this meeting. From IPH, the Health Inc team comprised of Dr.Devadasan N, Dr.Thriveni BS, and Dr.Tanya Seshadri.

The three day meeting began with presentation and discussion by ‘Experts by Experience’ in poverty and social exclusion from Belgium who provided insight into social exclusion from the point of view of those excluded. This enlightening start was followed by presentations from all partners regarding their localised research protocol along with challenges foreseen. While the previous meeting had allowed for discussions regarding health financing mechanisms across Ghana, Senegal, Maharashtra (India) and Karnataka (India), this time the focus was on the planning and implementation of research across the various sites. The challenge remains to develop a common skeletal protocol while allowing each team to develop protocols based on their specific context. The health financing schemes being used to study social exclusion in the African and Indian sites are National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS, Ghana), Plan Sesame (Senegal) and Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY – Maharashtra and Karnataka).

This meeting was followed by a two day workshop for the junior researchers from the various institutes. The workshop had the group divided into country-based teams and each team worked on developing context-specific hypotheses and initiated work on the research tools.

For further details about the project, visit the recently launched website at http://www.healthinc.eu/

Photo below shows representatives of all six partners of the Health Inc consortium under the Baobab tree (national tree of Senegal) at Goree Island in Dakar, Senegal.




EPHP on YouTube

To further the excellent discussions EPHP generated we are releasing all the presentation videos and powerpoints on YouTube. We hope this will help extend the reach of EPHP’s message and keep the debates going strong for some time to come. All presentations, panel discussions and Q&A sessions are available for viewing on YouTube. Also all the powerpoint presentations are available on our EPHP website. Last but not least the Universal Health Coverage Manual, unveiled at EPHP is available for download on our website.

EPHP on YouTube Powerpoints UHC Manual


EPHP Presentations and Publications

Second National Conference on bringing Evidence into Public Health Policy (EPHP 2012)

About EPHP

The Institute of Public Health, Bangalore is a community driven academic institution with a mission to promote the health status of the population through research, training and advocacy. IPH organized the first national conference (EPHP-1) “Bringing Evidence to Public Health Policy” in December 2010 and the main focus of this conference was taking the evidence from NRHM to policy makers. IPH is now hosting EPHP 2012 on October 5 – 6 2012, in collaboration with Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) Belgium, National Health Systems Resource Center (NHSRC), Government of India and State Health Systems Resource Center (SHSRC), Government of Karnataka.

The overall theme of EPHP-II is “Strengthening Health Systems to Achieve Universal Health Coverage in India” .The conference will focus on the role of service provision & delivery, governance, financing, human resources, technology and information systems for strengthening / restructuring health systems at various levels by different sectors for achieving universal health coverage.

The main objectives of the conference are:

  • Disseminate the concepts of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Health Systems (HS) in the Indian context.

  • Disseminate and review the evidence of research and implementation experiences of health systems strengthening at the National and State Level.

  • Provide a platform to bring together policy makers, practitioners and researchers to reflect on issues related to Health Systems and Universal Health Coverage.

EPHP will be a platform in bringing together all stakeholders and to gain more insights to operationalising Universal Health Coverage in India. In this context, we would request the participation of your institute in this conference and share your experiences and hear from others working in this area.

To know more about the conference kindly visit – www.ephp.in  or Watch YouTube Videos

2nd global meeting of Health Inc consortium at Dakar

Urban Health Project

About Urban Health project

The Urban Health Project in Bengaluru was envisaged as an intervention based creation of a model for public health in a large and expanding city, focusing on the needs of the poor. Initially planned as an exercise in co-ordination with other NGOs, it has moved to focusing primarily on a “field area” –KG Halli where direct intervention by IPH staff is taking place.

View Larger Map

Need for Urban Health Project

Given the rapid urbanisation and delay in the unrolling of the NUHM, much remains to be done in the area of urban health. Bengaluru with its rapidly expanded city precincts needs careful study and quick well planned interventions. With this background, IPH is carrying out an action research project in ward number 30, KG Halli, Bengaluru. Here the IPH team will work towards improving the quality of health care provided to the community of roughly 42,000 people, with a small part of notified slum in it.

Action taken in urban health

Action taken to achieve it

The action research is based on a seemingly simple idea, that if the stakeholders – communities and both private and public health providers  in a geographical area can be brought together to dialogue on a common “health platform”, they can work towards improving the quality of care in the area. What brings complexity to the situation is the multi layering of the “community” where class, language and religion play important roles in decision making processes.  Additional factors include the complexity of the government health system, partially under the corporation and partly under the state services.

Urban health goal

Ultimate Goal

The overall ambition is to test strategies for improved access to quality care in a metropolis such as Bengaluru, emphasizing bottom up processes based on community empowerment. A key aspect of envisaged strategies is the creation of local health platforms involving community, providers and local authorities, to which health services would be answerable.
Photos of urban healthPhotos of Urban health