by iphindia | Feb 22, 2013 | Latest Updates

In the recent times, there has been an increase in pre-mature deaths due to preventable cancer, heart and lung diseases relating to tobacco consumption at a young age. Religious leaders have long played a critical role in addressing the nation’s social challenges. The faith community can be a powerful force in protecting our children and reducing the terrible toll of tobacco related illness and death. On the eve of Valentine’s day religious leaders of various faiths gathered to raise their voice unanimously against tobacco and to spread the message -‘Love your health, Say no to tobacco/gutka’
by iphindia | Feb 22, 2013 | Latest Updates
This is to inform you that this month PhD seminar is scheduled on February 25th from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm at IPH, Bangalore. Kindly find the schedule given below. You are welcome to attend this seminar.
Presenter | Topic | Details | Time |
Dr. Nora Engel,Assistant Professor, Global health, Maastricht University, Netherlands | Tuberculosis in India: A case of innovation and control | It is a qualitative study of dynamics and processes involved in diverse cases of innovation for TB control in India | 45 Minutes presentation followed by 45 minutes discussion |
Dr.N.Devadasan,Director, Institute of Public health, Bangalore | Community health insurance contributes to universal health coverage in India | | 45 Minutes presentation followed by 45 minutes discussion |
by iphindia | Feb 11, 2013 | Latest Updates, Research
Title: Study of the profile of Block Programme Manager under National Rural Health Mission:
About the study
Under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), District Programme Manager (DPM) and Block Progrmme Manager (BPM) were appointed at district and block level to provide management support such as planning, implementing and monitoring of various activities.
Objectives: This study is an attempt to examine the extent to which BPMs have been able to fulfill their role as managers in the NRHM programme. The findings of this study will help policy makers to strengthen the role of the BPMs.
Study design: The proposed study is a cross sectional descriptive study. We will conduct this study in Tumkur district, in southern Karnataka.
by iphindia | Feb 11, 2013 | Latest Updates, Research
TB conversion study:
Title: Retrospective evaluation of risk factors for sputum conversion in new sputum positive pulmonary Tuberculosis cases in Sira TB unit
Objective: The study has the following objectives:
- To evaluate the factors which influence the sputum conversion at the end of Intensive phase (IP-at 2 months of treatment)in new sputum positive pulmonary TB cases registered under RNTCP (Phase one study)
- Evaluation of patient and provider reported determinants of sputum non-conversion (Phase two study)
Study design: This study is an unmatched retrospective case control study, where new sputum positive pulmonary TB cases who have not become sputum negative at the end of IP will be compared with those who have become sputum negative at the end of IP to determine predictors of sputum non-conversion
by iphindia | Feb 11, 2013 | Latest Updates

There were two oral presentations and two poster presentations from IPH in KACHCON 2012 held at Bagalkot from 3rd to 4th November 2012.
The first oral presentation investigated if Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) have facilitated access to quality Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) in first referral units (FRUs) in Karnataka. The study concluded that there is an urgent need for dissemination of IPHS to district and block levels.
The second oral presentation was on why women resort to unsafe abortion services in Tumkur district of Karnataka. The study recommended MTP training for doctors of all Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and effective Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities in respect of safe and legal abortion services.
The first poster presentation described the status of EmOC services in Tumkur district and the study adopted mixed methods. Study findings were that pregnant women in Sira do not have access to affordable and quality EmOC services. The recommendations are that maternal death audits be used for learning and not for blaming and making the gynaecologist exclusively available for EmOC services.
The second poster presentation looked into public awareness of and compliance to notified provisions of Cigarette and Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), 2003 in Karnataka. According to the results of the study awareness and compliance remain poor at district level
by iphindia | Feb 6, 2013 | Latest Updates

A PHC in a remote corner of Karnataka. My colleague and I drive past dry forest and 50 km of non-existent road to reach this PHC. There is a crowd waiting in a nicely painted building. The young lady doctor is seeing the patients, one by one, in her chamber. Others patiently wait for their turn in the waiting hall. I casually flip through the OP register; she sees an average of 100 patients every day. All the details, including name and diagnosis are written legibly in the register. More important, it is obvious that she is present in the PHC every single day, barring the days for meetings.
She completes seeing a few patients, ensures that there are no serious patients in the waiting hall and then sits to talk to us. She listens to our requests and answers our questions patiently. She shares a recent experience when she went to the field for the polio mop-up visits. She saw a two week postnatal lying by the street in a makeshift hut. “The Golla community does not allow post-natals inside the house,” she explained. She then arranged to transfer this woman to the nearby hospital, so that the mother and baby get food at least. “The JSSK programme is a boon. At least we can look after such people.”
Our talk is interrupted by a phone call. A doctor informs her that the patient she has referred is better and will be discharged soon. She negotiates with the doctor to reduce the bill. “A case of incomplete abortion,” she explains. “I wish that I had some equipment and a Group D staff here. Then I could have managed it myself. And it would have cost the patient only 200 to 300 rupees. Just for the medicines. But because I do not have a group D who will sterilize the equipment and clean up the labour room after the procedure, I cannot do these simple procedures. I have to refer them out and they pay so much to the private sector.”
I ask about the 100 patients and the fact that she sees them one by one, not in a herd, as is the practice of most PHC medical officers. She explains that these are patients and need privacy and care. Yes it takes time and most of the days she is in the PHC from 10 to 5 pm. No, she does not stay in the PHC as there are no quarters. And her husband lives in the district headquarters and her child studies in a school in the district headquarters. So she commutes every day by driving in her own car. She explains that this way, she is not at the mercy of the bus (that plies just twice up and down) and can ensure that she sees all the patients before leaving.
My colleague and I leave the PHC wondering why there are not more such MOs. A few hundreds more and the health scene in Karnataka could change. It is obvious that she cares for her patients, cares for them enough to drive every day on bad roads for 180 minutes; cares for them enough to ensure that her PHC is well stocked with medicines, cares for them enough to make regular Anganwadi visits, house visits and school health visits. Does it matter that she takes Rs 10 from each patient, so that she can buy the fuel for her car? I don’t know; for me things are not so black and white anymore.
N Devadasan
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