2nd Regional Meeting, Health Inc Indian Partners (24th – 26th April, Mumbai)

2nd Regional Meeting, Health Inc Indian Partners (24th – 26th April, Mumbai)


The Second regional team meeting for Health Inc Indian partners was held at Mumbai between 24th and 26th April 2013. This meeting was hosted by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) at Hotel Jewel of Chembur, Mumbai. It was attended by members of Institute of Public Health Bangalore (IPH) and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) teams, along with representatives from the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITM) and London School of Economics – Health (LSE). In the meeting both the partners shared their findings so far and discussed possible areas and processes for comparision. In addition, the teams discussed further strategies to develop the policy recommendations and dissemination.



2nd Regional Meeting, Health Inc Indian Partners (24th – 26th April, Mumbai)

Workshop on PC-PNDT act

To create the awareness about the female foeticide, Government of Karnataka is organising sensitation workshop about PC-PNDT act in Governments hospitals. Main focus of the workshop are field health staff. IPH was invited as a resource person for this workshop, which was held at Sira Taluka

2nd Regional Meeting, Health Inc Indian Partners (24th – 26th April, Mumbai)

Tobacco control now also in Mangalore


A training session was conducted for police officials of the Western Range of Karnataka which includes 4 districts on the 14th March 2013. The officers underwent training for implementation of smoking ban in public places and other guidelines regarding tobacco control. The workshop was conducted in Police Guest House, Mangalore. Tobacco control was taken up as an important issue since one tobacco related death happening every eight second in the country! Karnataka presently has around Two Crore consumers, one third of who may die a premature death. Such sensitization and training programs will help in proper implementation of the existing laws.

2nd Regional Meeting, Health Inc Indian Partners (24th – 26th April, Mumbai)

Monograph on Youth and Tobacco Use


This monograph is based on a large-scale study among youth in Bangalore, the metropolitan capital of Karnataka. It elaborates various aspects related to tobacco use among youth: consumption of tobacco; perceptions of tobacco use and tobacco users; individual, social and environmental correlates of tobacco use; and status of prevailing tobacco control measures. Apart from the study findings, the monograph reviews and summarises the current literature and provides a nation-wide glimpse of these issues. It concludes by providing some pertinent suggestions on reducing tobacco use among youth.

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Available as print version on Amazonclick here 
Kindle versionclick here

2nd Regional Meeting, Health Inc Indian Partners (24th – 26th April, Mumbai)

Abstract presentation at IPHA


Participation in South-East Asia Regional Public Health Conference & 57th All India Annual Conference of IPHA in Kolkata for 1st to 3rd of February 2013.
The conference accepted from IPH staff two abstracts for oral presentation and one abstract for poster presentation.

The abstract of oral presentation by Dr. Prashanth NS was titled “More noise than usual”- Preliminary findings from evaluation of district-level capacity building programme of health managers. The paper highlighted possible mechanisms through which capacity-building programmes could bring about positive organisational change as those which could be seen to operate at three levels: individual characteristics of the participants (such as motivation, organisational commitment, attitudes towards positive organisational change), institutional arrangements (supportive nature of supervision, workplace dynamics among teams and the prevailing “culture” within their organisations such as district or taluka hospitals, PHCs and such) and the socio-economic and political environment in their taluka or district.

The abstract of oral presentation by Mr. Kuruvila Daniel was titled Analysis of medical negligence cases in the Tumkur district consumer forum from 2001 to 2011. The study concluded that incidence rate of cases in consumer forum was only 6/100,000 admissions in 2010, more obstetric cases could reflect more visibility of maternal health under NRHM and more cases against private providers could indicate patients’ expectation of value for money and assumption of government facilities being excluded from Consumer Protection Act (CPA).

PhD Seminar at IPH (21-March-2013)

Regular PhD seminars are held every month  to discuss the various aspects of research like study design, research methodology and provide with critical feedback to PhD students. This is open for all IPH staff and as well interested academicians from outside

Date:  March 21st 2013

TIme:  2.30 pm to 4.30 pm 

Venue: Institute of Public Health, Bangalore (For directions click here)



Topic Details 



Mr. Arun Nair, Faculty

Institute of Public Health, Bangalore


 Union Budget 2013 He shall present the analysis of central and state budgetsduring the 11th five year plan with special emphasis on health sector   30 minutes presentation followed by 30 minutes discussion 
Dr.N.Devadasan Director,Institute of Public health, BangaloreHow to assess where a country / state is in the path to Universal Health CoverageHe shall speak about how to  use indicators and indexes to measure population coverage, service coverage and financial coverage

30 minutes presentation followed by 30 minutes discussion


 Any query contact Dr.Vijayashree (vijayashree@iphindia.org)