Private Allopathic health providers mapping using Geographic Positioning System(GPS), Tumkur city

Private Allopathic health providers mapping using Geographic Positioning System(GPS), Tumkur city

Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in Tumkur district. As elsewhere in the country, private health sector in Tumkur city dominates in the provision of  TB care. As per the government order issues in May 2012, all private health providers should notify TB cases diagnosed and/or treated by them to the district TB officer .

As part of Dr.Vijayashree’s PhD study (on how to optimise the involvement of Private health providers in the National TB programme), GPS mapping of the Private allopathic providers was carried out  in Tumkur city. District TB officer and his team, with technical assistance from the Institute of Public Health, Bangalore, carried out the mapping.

Mapping writeup

Organizational Development

Organizational Development

IPH inches towards completing a decade this year. It was an appropriate time to pause and reflect on our journey so far. The entire team of IPH was in Mysore recently for a two day workshop to relook at our vision and strategize for the future. Over the next few months we look forward to working as a team to synergise the dynamism and excitement of current activities with the values that have united us and make us a unique public health institute in India.

IPH presentations at Health Systems Research Symposium at Cape Town, South Africa

1. IPH is honoured to facilitate participation of the Hon’ble Health Minister of Karnataka, Mr U T Khadar, in a panel discussion on “Advancing the application of systems thinking in health” on 2nd October 2014.

In the symposium the Health Minister will release a special issue on “Advancing the application of systems thinking in health” carrying an article about capacity-building of health managers in Tumkur, Karnataka, India

2. Movie: India chapter of a documentary movie “Switching the Poles” has been selected for Health systems research symposium. The documentary was filmed at the end of 2013 to showcase the institutional collaborations between India and Belgium under the ITM-DGD Framework Agreement. Movie is scheduled to be screened on 3rd of October 2014, at 9.30 am -11.00 am.
3. Emerging Voices brings together young researchers as individuals and as a group in an effort of collective learning, sharing experiences and presenting research. IPH is a Co-organiser of the emerging voices

a. Anil Hittlamani who is selected as one of the Emerging Voices has an oral presentation on “How people-centred is India’s National Health Insurance Scheme (RSBY): Lessons from a study on Social exclusion in Karnataka, India.”

Authors: Anil MH , Seshadri T, Gayatri Ganesh, Thriveni BS , Mahesh SK, Pati MK, Devadasan N

4.Prashanth NS representing IPH as a member on panel discussion on “Realist evaluation and other theory-driven inquiry approaches in health policy and systems research: a hands-on troubleshooting workshop” on 1st October 2014.

Prashanth NS is also presenting a poster titled: “Unpacking individual, institutional and organizational behaviour in health managers: Results of a realist evaluation of capacity-building in south India” on 1st October 2014.

5. Gayatri Ganesh is presenting on “Social exclusion of women in a health financing scheme in Karnataka, India”.

Authors: Gayatri Ganesh1, Tanya Seshadri1, Manoj Patil1, Anil MH1, Mahesh K1, Divya Parmar2, Bart Criel3, Philipa Mladovsky2, Narayanan Devadasan1

Author affiliations:
1. Institute of Public Health, Bangalore, India
2. London School of Economics, London, UK
3. Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium

6. Praveen Aivalli is presenting poster titled- “Government tablets have less power: People’s perspectives on utilization of public healthcare in rural India”.

7. Pragati Hebbar has an oral presentation from the study titled- “Local partnerships for global challenges: Lessons from local intersectoral work for tobacco control and health promotion”.

8. Mahesh.S.Kadammanavar is presenting a poster titled:” My family is covered but not me……Lesson learnt from the national health insurance scheme (RSBY) in Karnataka”

Authors: Mahesh Kadammanavar, Tanya Seshadri1, Gayatri Ganesh1, , Anil MH2, Lara Webar3, Manoj Patil1,Narayanan Devadasan1,
Author affiliations:
1 Institute of Public Health, Bangalore, India
2 RMNCH+A consultant (unicef supported)
9. Photo Competition: A photo story by Bhargav Shandilya and Mrunalini Gowda on the theme of “Gender and Health systems” honorary mention and it will displayed at the upcoming Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town, South Africa.

Public Health Seminar at IPH- 26/08/2014

Regular Public Health seminars are held at the Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru to discuss the various aspects of research like study design, research methodology and provide with critical feedback to the presenters

This is open for all the interested

academicians/researchers from outside.


Date:  26-August-2014

Time:  2.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Venue: Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru (For directions click here)


Dr. Upendra Bhojani,
Faculty & PhD scholar,
IPH, Bangalore

“Health service intervention to improve care for people with chronic conditions: Findings from quasi-experimental study in KG Halli, Bangalore”2.30-4.00 pm
Dr. Narayana Swamy, Deputy Director, (SAST)BangaloreHealthcare costing- An overview, drill down and demystifying.4.00-5.00 pm


               +91 80 26421929

Training programme for Medical Officers and Pharmacists

Training programme for Medical Officers and Pharmacists

On May 13th & 14th 2014, Institute of Public Health, Bangalore and Tumkur District health and family welfare office organized two-day training programme for government doctors & pharmacists on management of Diabetes and Hypertension in Primary Health Centres at Naveen Regency in Tumkur. This training programme was organized as a part of the Access to Medicines research project supported by the World Health Organisation’s Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, Geneva, Switzerland. Several resource persons from public health institute from bangalore participated in the programme. The programme was also supported by the Karnataka Medical Council.

Dr. Channamallayya, the district health officer of Tumkur releasing the training manual for PHC doctors on management of Diabetes and Hypertension

Dr. Channamallayya, the district health officer of Tumkur releasing the training manual for PHC doctors on management of Diabetes and Hypertension

Dr. Purushottam, the Tumkur district surveillance officer addressing the participants.

Dr. Purushottam, District Surveillance officer, Tumkur addressing the gathering after inaugurating the street play

Inauguration of street plays as part of ATM project

Inauguration of street plays as part of ATM project

caption Dr. Purushottam, District NCD officer, Tumkur is addressing the gathering after inaugurating the street play.

Dr. Purushottam, District Surveillance officer, Tumkur addressing the gathering after inaugurating the street play

Street play in progress at Bukpatna of Korategere taluka

Street play in progress at Bukpatna of Korategere taluka

Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke and other non-communicable diseases are on the rise in India. Different factors contribute to the incidence of these illnesses such as changing lifestyle, food habits, and addiction to alcohol and tobacco products.These diseases require continuous and lifelong medicines as well as several lifestyle modifications such as physical activity, healthy food habits and stress-free lifestyle.

To spread awareness about these diseases and the importance of life style modification, Institute of Public Health, Bangalore and Tumkur District health and family welfare office organised a series of street plays in select talulas of Tumkur district. This was organized as a part of the Access to Medicines research project supported by the World Health Organisation’s Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (WHO- Alliance). The inauguration of this street play was on 6th June, 2014.