Case note, written by Jenna Paulson during her internship with the Urban Health Action Research Project
Based on her internship with the Urban Health Action Research Project at IPH under the guidance of Dr. Thriveni, faculty of IPH and Shannon L Sibbald, PhD (Assistant Professor, Western University), Jenna Paulson from Western Cape University, Ontario written a case note titled, “Youth as change agents”.
Kadugondanahalli (KG Halli), a neighbourhood within the urban slums of Bangalore, India, is riddled with barriers and challenges to navigation within the healthcare system. Residents, faced with a multitude of problems, including chronic conditions, primarily Type 2 diabetes and hypertension, have poor access to healthcare services and are, thereby, faced with high out-ofpocket expenditure. The youth, especially, are confronted with extremely challenging living conditions. Healthcare services at KG Halli are not integrated, quality of care is poor, and these trends are perpetuated by the strong power dynamics that exist at both state and national levels. For the past three years, Dr. Thriveni, Urban Health Systems project manager and Public Health Specialist at the Institute of Public Health (IPH), has been advocating on behalf of the local youth to improve their living circumstances.
Link to read more about Case note, written by Jenna Paulson : Click Here