Advocacy with policy makers
We dialogue with policy makers and facilitate their interactions with grassroot advocates and communities. We do collective advocacy through coalition building, community mobilization and representations on various committees
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Mobilizing specific social groups
Mobilizing community or social groups is one of the key strategy in public health advocacy. IPH alone or in collaboration with various networks/coalition organizes campaigns/activities to mobilize specific social groups on specific public health issues. Such...
Using Evidence to inform policy making and implementation
Bhojani U. Using Evidence to inform policy making and implementation: A case of tobacco control in Karnataka, 8th Winter Symposium on ‘Evidence Informed Healthcare’, 11-14 January 2010, Vellore India Download pdf
Evidence to policy in tobacco control
This poster describes how IPH generated and used various evidence to inform tobacco control policy making and implementation in Karnataka. Paper was presented at the 3rd South Asian regional symposium at CMC Vellore.