Advocacy using Media

Print Media
Our views on various public health issues and research findings are communicated to a wider audience beyond scientific community by interacting with journalists and publication houses.

Social Media
We use social media platforms to disseminate our latest research findings and new scientific developments in Public Health.

Electronic Media
We participate in panel discussions and health informative TV and radio programmes at State, National and International levels.
Latest Updates
Media Pack
Media Pack: A bunch of six fact sheets on various aspects of tobacco control developed in collaboration with the District Anti Tobacco Cell Bangalore 2009. Download pdf
IPH takes part in “Freedom from tobacco-Bengaluru unites” on World No Tobacco Day
As part of the Global Awareness Campaign on the eve of the World No Tobacco Day, we are involved in launching an initiative to unite the doctors in Bengaluru on creating anti tobacco awareness. This initiative will bring together the doctors from Bengaluru under the...
Tobacco addiction in Asia
Listen to an interview with Upendra Bhojani of IPH, Bangalore by Jasvinder Sahgal of Asia Calling. Upendra Bhojani explains the severity of the addiction in Asia. [wpaudio url="" text="Upendra Interview...