Advocacy using Media

Print Media
Our views on various public health issues and research findings are communicated to a wider audience beyond scientific community by interacting with journalists and publication houses.

Social Media
We use social media platforms to disseminate our latest research findings and new scientific developments in Public Health.

Electronic Media
We participate in panel discussions and health informative TV and radio programmes at State, National and International levels.
Latest Updates
Signature Campaign Against GTNF
A signature campaign was launched by IPH to engage with and garner support for a petition demanding withdrawal of Indian Tobacco Board’s sponsorship to Global Tobacco Networking Forum, a tobacco industry event scheduled to be held in Bangalore in October 2010....
Adolescents’ perceptions about smokers in Karnataka,India
Prevalence of tobacco use among adolescents in India is very high. Despite many epidemiological studies exploring tobacco use among youth, there is no published data on adolescents' perceptions about smokers in Indian society and its implications on tobacco control....
Using Evidence to inform policy making and implementation
Bhojani U. Using Evidence to inform policy making and implementation: A case of tobacco control in Karnataka, 8th Winter Symposium on ‘Evidence Informed Healthcare’, 11-14 January 2010, Vellore India Download pdf