Advocacy using Media

Print Media
Our views on various public health issues and research findings are communicated to a wider audience beyond scientific community by interacting with journalists and publication houses.

Social Media
We use social media platforms to disseminate our latest research findings and new scientific developments in Public Health.

Electronic Media
We participate in panel discussions and health informative TV and radio programmes at State, National and International levels.
Latest Updates
Mobilizing specific social groups
Mobilizing community or social groups is one of the key strategy in public health advocacy. IPH alone or in collaboration with various networks/coalition organizes campaigns/activities to mobilize specific social groups on specific public health issues. Such...
Youth and tobacco use in Bangalore city
Following an initial exploratory and small study by IPH on tobacco use among pre-university students, a large-scale cross sectional study using a random sample of 19 pre-university colleges across the Bangalore city was planned for better and representative...
Tobacco use and its correlates among college students in Bangalore
Most studies on youth and tobacco use in India (including Global Youth Tobacco Surveys) focsues on high-school students (grades 8, 9 and 10). In Karnataka, pre-university education (grades 11, 12) is imparted through a seperate governmanet department and often in...