Advocacy using Media

Print Media
Our views on various public health issues and research findings are communicated to a wider audience beyond scientific community by interacting with journalists and publication houses.

Social Media
We use social media platforms to disseminate our latest research findings and new scientific developments in Public Health.

Electronic Media
We participate in panel discussions and health informative TV and radio programmes at State, National and International levels.
Latest Updates
Dr. Devadasan in Nagaland to orient the Government on Health Financing (10-08-2015 to 14-08-2015)
Press conference with Hotel Association presidents
For the health benefits of customers visiting hotels and restaurants, the Karnataka Pradesh Hotel and Restaurant Association (KPHRA) and Bruhat Bangalore Hotel Association (BBHA) in association with the health department joined hands to initiate some measures for the...
Media Workshop for Journalists of Mangalore on the burden of tobacco and about the implementation of COTPA
In order to empower journalists with what is needed for the effective health related reporting, the Institute of Public Health in association with Yenepoya University has organized a workshop for journalists in Mangalore on 07th December 2013 at Yenepoya University...