Our Team

Samantha C Lobbo (Honorary Associate)

Samantha is a budding dental public health graduate from The University of New South Wales, Australia whose key area of interest is community health education and promotion. To gain a better perspective of community health, she pursued the Community Health Learning Program Fellowship, after which she went on to work with the tribal communities in Kalahandi district, Odisha mainly focusing on health promotion and awareness activities. Apart from health promotion, she also has a keen interest in the areas of tribal health and social determinants of health.

Presently, she is part of the training team where her main role focuses on instructional design and content development for online courses at the institute and include other training related activities. She finds it interesting that technology can bring in a change with the way we train grassroot level health workers and is exploring the field of e-learning.

When not working, she usually is experimenting with new nouvelle cuisines, clicking random pictures, travelling about and socialising!  

email: samantha@iphindia.org